Interface Summary | |
BitKey | Represents a set of bits. |
CacheControlImpl.CellRegionImpl | |
CacheControlImpl.CellRegionVisitor | Visitor which visits various sub-types of CacheControlImpl.MemberCellRegion . |
CacheControlImpl.MemberEditCommandPlus | Implementation-specific extensions to the
CacheControl.MemberEditCommand interface. |
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetPlus | Implementation-specific extensions to the
CacheControl.MemberSet interface. |
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitor | Visits the subclasses of CacheControlImpl.MemberSetPlus . |
CellKey | A CellKey |
CellReader | A CellReader finds the cell value for the current context
held by evaluator . |
FastBatchingCellReader.Loadable | Encapsulates a common property of FastBatchingCellReader.CompositeBatch and
FastBatchingCellReader.CompositeBatch , namely, that they can be asked to load their
aggregations into the cache. |
MemberCache | A MemberCache can retrieve members based upon their parent and
name. |
MemberReader | A MemberReader implements common operations to retrieve members
from a hierarchy. |
MemberSource | A MemberSource has the basic operations to read the members of a
hierarchy . |
Modulos | Modulos implementations encapsulate algorithms to map between integral ordinals and position arrays. |
RolapAggregationManager.PinSet | A set of segments which are pinned for a short duration as a result of a cache inquiry. |
RolapCubeHierarchy.RolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader | TODO: Since this is part of a caching strategy, should be implemented as a Strategy Pattern, avoiding hirarchy. |
RolapCubeLevel.LevelReader | Encapsulation of the difference between levels in terms of how constraints are generated. |
RolapMeasure | Interface implemented by all measures (both stored and calculated). |
RolapNative.Listener | |
RolapNativeSet.CrossJoinArg | "Light version" of a TupleConstraint , represents one of
member.children, level.members, member.descendants, {enumeration}. |
RolapNativeSet.SchemaReaderWithMemberReaderAvailable | |
RolapNativeSql.SqlCompiler | Translates an expression into SQL |
RolapResult.CellInfoContainer | API for the creation and
lookup of RolapResult.CellInfo objects. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.CellKeyMaker | Implementations of CellKeyMaker convert the Cell
position integer array to a long . |
RolapResult.ValueFormatter | Formatter to convert values into formatted strings. |
RolapStoredMeasure | A measure which is implemented by a SQL column or SQL expression (as opposed
to a RolapCalculatedMember . |
RolapUtil.ExecuteQueryHook | |
StarColumnPredicate | Refinement of StarPredicate which constrains precisely one column. |
StarPredicate | Condition which constrains a set of values of a single
RolapStar.Column or a set of columns. |
TupleReader | Describes the public methods of SqlTupleReader . |
TupleReader.MemberBuilder | Factory to create new members for a hierarchy from SQL result. |
Class Summary | |
ArrayMemberSource | ArrayMemberSource implements a flat, static hierarchy. |
BitKey.AbstractBitKey | Abstract implementation of BitKey . |
BitKey.Big | Implementation of BitKey with more than 64 bits. |
BitKey.Factory | |
BitKey.Mid128 | Implementation of BitKey good for sizes less than 128. |
BitKey.Small | Implementation of BitKey for bit counts less than 64. |
CacheControlImpl | Implementation of CacheControl API. |
CacheControlImpl.CrossjoinCellRegion | Cell region formed by a cartesian product of two or more CellRegions. |
CacheControlImpl.EmptyMemberSet | Member set containing no members. |
CacheControlImpl.MemberCellRegion | Cell region formed by a list of members. |
CacheControlImpl.MemberRangeCellRegion | Cell region formed a range of members between a lower and upper bound. |
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitorImpl | Default implementation of CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitor . |
CacheControlImpl.RangeMemberSet | Member set defined by a range of members between a lower and upper bound. |
CacheControlImpl.SimpleMemberSet | Member set defined by a list of members from one hierarchy. |
CacheControlImpl.UnionMemberSet | Member set defined by the union of other member sets. |
CacheMemberReader | CacheMemberReader implements MemberReader by reading
from a pre-populated array of Member s. |
CellKey.Generator | |
CellKey.Many | |
CellKey.One | |
CellKey.Three | |
CellKey.Two | |
CellKey.Zero | |
ChildByNameConstraint | Constraint which optimizes the search for a child by name. |
DefaultMemberChildrenConstraint | Restricts the SQL result set to the parent member of a MemberChildren query. |
DefaultTupleConstraint | TupleConstraint which does not restrict the result. |
DelegatingMemberReader | A DelegatingMemberReader is a MemberReader which
redirects all method calls to an underlying MemberReader . |
DescendantsConstraint | TupleConstaint which restricts the result of a tuple sqlQuery to a set of parents. |
FastBatchingCellReader | A FastBatchingCellReader doesn't really Read cells: when asked
to look up the values of stored measures, it lies, and records the fact
that the value was asked for. |
GroupingSetsCollector | The GroupingSetsCollector collects the GroupinpSets and pass
the consolidated list to form group by grouping sets sql |
HierarchyUsage | A HierarchyUsage is the usage of a hierarchy in the context
of a cube. |
HighCardSqlTupleReader | Reads the members of a single level (level.members) or of multiple levels (crossjoin). |
MeasureMemberSource | A MeasureMemberSource implements the MemberReader
interface for the special Measures dimension. |
MemberCacheHelper | Encapsulation of member caching. |
MemberKey | MemberKey todo: |
Modulos.Base | |
Modulos.Generator | |
Modulos.Many | |
Modulos.One | |
Modulos.Three | |
Modulos.Two | |
Modulos.Zero | |
NoCacheMemberReader | NoCacheMemberReader implements MemberReader but
without doing any kind of caching and avoiding to read all members. |
RestrictedMemberReader | A RestrictedMemberReader reads only the members of a hierarchy
allowed by a role's access profile. |
ResultLoader | Loader to be iterated to load all results from database. |
RolapAggregationManager | RolapAggregationManager manages all Aggregation s in the system. |
RolapAggregator | Describes an aggregation operator, such as "sum" or "count". |
RolapAggregator.AvgFromAvg | Aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the average aggregator. |
RolapAggregator.AvgFromSum | Aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the average aggregator. |
RolapAggregator.BaseAggor | This is the base class for implementing aggregators over sum and average columns in an aggregate table. |
RolapAggregator.SumFromAvg | This is an aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the sum aggregator. |
RolapAxis | Derived classes of RolapAxis implements the Axis interface which are specializations based upon the number of Positions, how each Position's Members are orgainized and whether the Members/Member[]s are in a List or an Iterable. |
RolapAxis.MemberArrayIterable | A MemberArrayIterable takes an Iterable<Member[]> where each Position has an array of Members from the corresponding location in the iterator. |
RolapAxis.MemberArrayList | A MemberArrayList takes a List<Member[]> where each Position has the Member's from the corresponding location in the list. |
RolapAxis.MemberIterable | A MemberIterable takes an Iterable<Member> where each Position has a single Member from the corresponding location in the iterator. |
RolapAxis.MemberList | A MemberList takes a List<Member> where each Position has a single Member from the corresponding location in the list. |
RolapAxis.NoPosition | The NoPosition Axis implementation is an Axis that has no Positions, the size of the list of positions is zero. |
RolapAxis.PositionBase | The PositionBase is an abstract implementation of the Position interface and provides both Iterator<Member> and ListIterator<Member> implementations. |
RolapAxis.PositionIterBase | |
RolapAxis.PositionList | The PositionList Axis implementation takes a List of positions. |
RolapAxis.PositionListBase | The PositionListBase is an abstract implementation of the List<Position> interface and provides both Iterator<Position> and ListIterator<Position> implementations. |
RolapAxis.PositionListUnsupported | |
RolapAxis.PositionUnsupported | A List<Member> for which all methods throw the UnsupportedOperationException exception when invoked. |
RolapAxis.SingleEmptyPosition | A SingleEmptyPosition has a single Position and the Position has no Members. |
RolapAxis.SingleEmptyPosition.EmptyPosition | |
RolapAxis.Wrapper | A Wrapper has many uses. |
RolapBaseCubeMeasure | Measure which is computed from a SQL column (or expression) and which is defined in a non-virtual cube. |
RolapCacheRegion | A RolapCacheRegion represents a region of multidimensional space
in the cache. |
RolapCalculatedMember | A RolapCalculatedMember is a member based upon a
Formula . |
RolapCell | RolapCell implements Cell within a
RolapResult . |
RolapConnection | A RolapConnection is a connection to a Mondrian OLAP Server. |
RolapConnection.NonEmptyResult | A NonEmptyResult filters a result by removing empty rows
on a particular axis. |
RolapConnectionPool | Singleton class that holds a connection pool. |
RolapCube | RolapCube implements Cube for a ROLAP database. |
RolapCube.CubeComparator | |
RolapCubeDimension | RolapCubeDimension wraps a RolapDimension for a specific Cube. |
RolapCubeHierarchy | Hierarchy that is associated with a specific Cube. |
RolapCubeHierarchy.RolapCubeSqlMemberSource | |
RolapCubeLevel | RolapCubeLevel wraps a RolapLevel for a specific Cube. |
RolapCubeLevel.AllLevelReaderImpl | Level reader for the level which contains the 'all' member. |
RolapCubeLevel.NullLevelReader | Level reader for the level which contains the null member. |
RolapCubeMember | RolapCubeMember wraps RolapMembers and binds them to a specific cube. |
RolapCubeUsages | RolapCubeUsages
This provides us with the base cubes that a virtual cube uses and
specifies if unrelated dimensions to measures from these cubes should be
ignored. |
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator | Evaluator which checks dependencies of expressions. |
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.DteCompiler | Expression compiler which introduces dependency testing. |
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.DteRoot | Holds context for a tree of RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator . |
RolapDimension | RolapDimension implements Dimension for a ROLAP
database. |
RolapEvaluator | RolapEvaluator evaluates expressions in a dimensional
environment. |
RolapEvaluator.RolapEvaluatorRoot | |
RolapHierarchy | RolapHierarchy implements Hierarchy for a ROLAP database. |
RolapHierarchy.LimitedRollupMember | Substitute for a member in a hierarchy whose rollup policy is 'partial' or 'hidden'. |
RolapHierarchy.RolapCalculatedMeasure | Calculated member which is also a measure (that is, a member of the [Measures] dimension). |
RolapHierarchy.RolapNullMember | A RolapNullMember is the null member of its hierarchy. |
RolapLevel | RolapLevel implements Level for a ROLAP database. |
RolapMember | A RolapMember is a member of a RolapHierarchy . |
RolapNative | A factory for NativeEvaluator . |
RolapNative.NativeEvent | |
RolapNative.TupleEvent | |
RolapNativeCrossJoin | creates a NativeEvaluator that evaluates NON EMPTY
CrossJoin in SQL. |
RolapNativeCrossJoin.NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint | Constraint that restricts the result to the current context. |
RolapNativeFilter | Computes a Filter(set, condition) in SQL. |
RolapNativeFilter.FilterConstraint | |
RolapNativeRegistry | Composite of RolapNative s. |
RolapNativeSet | Analyses set expressions and executes them in SQL if possible. |
RolapNativeSet.DescendantsCrossJoinArg | represents one of Level.Members: member == null and level != null Member.Children: member != null and level = member.getLevel().getChildLevel() Member.Descendants: member != null and level == some level below member.getLevel() |
RolapNativeSet.MemberListCrossJoinArg | Represents an enumeration {member1, member2, ...}. |
RolapNativeSet.SetConstraint | Constraint for non empty {crossjoin, member.children, member.descendants, level.members} |
RolapNativeSql | Creates SQL from parse tree nodes. |
RolapNativeSql.CompositeSqlCompiler | Implementation of RolapNativeSql.SqlCompiler that uses chain of responsibility
to find a matching sql compiler. |
RolapNativeTopCount | Computes a TopCount in SQL. |
RolapNativeTopCount.TopCountConstraint | |
RolapProperty | RolapProperty is the definition of a member property. |
RolapResult | A RolapResult is the result of running a query. |
RolapResult.CellFormatterValueFormatter | A CellFormatterValueFormatter uses a user-defined CellFormatter
to format values. |
RolapResult.CellInfo | A CellInfo contains all of the information that a Cell requires. |
RolapResult.CellInfoMap | Implementation of RolapResult.CellInfoContainer which uses a Map to
store CellInfo Objects. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool | Implementation of RolapResult.CellInfoContainer which uses an
ObjectPool to store RolapResult.CellInfo Objects. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Four | For axis of size 4. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.One | For axis of size 1. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Three | For axis of size 3. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Two | For axis of size 2. |
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Zero | For axis of size 0. |
RolapResult.FormatValueFormatter | A FormatValueFormatter takes a Locale
as a parameter and uses it to get the Format
to be used in formatting an Object value with a
given format string. |
RolapResult.RolapResultEvaluatorRoot | Extension to RolapEvaluator.RolapEvaluatorRoot which is capable
of evaluating named sets.
A given set is only evaluated once each time a query is executed; the
result is added to the RolapResult.RolapResultEvaluatorRoot.namedSetValues cache on first execution
and re-used.
Named sets are always evaluated in the context of the slicer. |
RolapSchema | A RolapSchema is a collection of RolapCube s and
shared RolapDimension s. |
RolapSchema.Pool | A collection of schemas, identified by their connection properties (catalog name, JDBC URL, and so forth). |
RolapSchema.RolapSchemaFunctionTable | Function table which contains all of the user-defined functions in this schema, plus all of the standard functions. |
RolapSchemaParameter | Parameter which is defined in a schema. |
RolapSchemaReader | A RolapSchemaReader allows you to read schema objects while
observing the access-control profile specified by a given role. |
RolapStar | A RolapStar is a star schema. |
RolapStar.AliasReplacer | Creates a copy of an expression, everywhere replacing one alias with another. |
RolapStar.Column | A column in a star schema. |
RolapStar.ColumnComparator | Comparator to compare columns based on their name |
RolapStar.Condition | |
RolapStar.Measure | Definition of a measure in a star schema. |
RolapStar.Table | Definition of a table in a star schema. |
RolapUtil | Utility methods for classes in the mondrian.rolap package. |
RolapUtil.Semaphore | A Semaphore is a primitive for process synchronization. |
RolapUtil.TeeWriter | Writes to a string and also to an underlying writer. |
RolapVirtualCubeMeasure | Measure which is defined in a virtual cube, and based on a stored measure in one of the virtual cube's base cubes. |
SmartMemberListCache<K,V> | Uses a SmartCache to store lists of members,
where the key depends on a SqlConstraint . |
SmartMemberListCache.Key2<T1,T2> | a HashMap key that consists of two components. |
SmartMemberReader | SmartMemberReader implements MemberReader by keeping a
cache of members and their children. |
SqlConstraintFactory | Creates the right constraint for common tasks. |
SqlConstraintUtils | Utility class used by implementations of SqlConstraint ,
used to generate constraints into SqlQuery . |
SqlContextConstraint | limits the result of a Member SQL query to the current evaluation context. |
SqlMemberSource | A SqlMemberSource reads members from a SQL database. |
SqlStatement | SqlStatement contains a SQL statement and associated resources throughout its lifetime. |
SqlTupleReader | Reads the members of a single level (level.members) or of multiple levels (crossjoin). |
StarColumnPredicate.Overlap | Returned by
StarColumnPredicate.intersect(mondrian.rolap.StarColumnPredicate) ,
describes whether two predicates overlap, and if so, the remaining
predicate. |
StringList | StringList makes it easy to build up a comma-separated string. |
SubstitutingMemberReader | Implementation of MemberReader which replaces given members
with a substitute. |
Target | Extracted Target from original place. |
Test | todo: |
Enum Summary | |
HierarchyUsage.Kind | |
HighCardSqlTupleReader.WhichSelect | Description of the position of a SELECT statement in a UNION. |
RolapConnectionProperties | RolapConnectionProperties enumerates the allowable values of
keywords in a Mondrian connect string. |
RolapLevel.HideMemberCondition | Conditions under which a level's members may be hidden (thereby creating a ragged hierarchy). |
SqlTupleReader.WhichSelect | Description of the position of a SELECT statement in a UNION. |
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.