Package mondrian.rolap

Implements the data access layer for the olap package.


Interface Summary
BitKey Represents a set of bits.
CacheControlImpl.CellRegionVisitor Visitor which visits various sub-types of CacheControlImpl.MemberCellRegion.
CacheControlImpl.MemberEditCommandPlus Implementation-specific extensions to the CacheControl.MemberEditCommand interface.
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetPlus Implementation-specific extensions to the CacheControl.MemberSet interface.
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitor Visits the subclasses of CacheControlImpl.MemberSetPlus.
CellKey A CellKey is used as a key in maps which access cells by their position.
CellReader A CellReader finds the cell value for the current context held by evaluator.
FastBatchingCellReader.Loadable Encapsulates a common property of FastBatchingCellReader.CompositeBatch and FastBatchingCellReader.CompositeBatch, namely, that they can be asked to load their aggregations into the cache.
MemberCache A MemberCache can retrieve members based upon their parent and name.
MemberReader A MemberReader implements common operations to retrieve members from a hierarchy.
MemberSource A MemberSource has the basic operations to read the members of a hierarchy.
Modulos Modulos implementations encapsulate algorithms to map between integral ordinals and position arrays.
RolapAggregationManager.PinSet A set of segments which are pinned for a short duration as a result of a cache inquiry.
RolapCubeHierarchy.RolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader TODO: Since this is part of a caching strategy, should be implemented as a Strategy Pattern, avoiding hirarchy.
RolapCubeLevel.LevelReader Encapsulation of the difference between levels in terms of how constraints are generated.
RolapMeasure Interface implemented by all measures (both stored and calculated).
RolapNativeSet.CrossJoinArg "Light version" of a TupleConstraint, represents one of member.children, level.members, member.descendants, {enumeration}.
RolapNativeSql.SqlCompiler Translates an expression into SQL
RolapResult.CellInfoContainer API for the creation and lookup of RolapResult.CellInfo objects.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.CellKeyMaker Implementations of CellKeyMaker convert the Cell position integer array to a long.
RolapResult.ValueFormatter Formatter to convert values into formatted strings.
RolapStoredMeasure A measure which is implemented by a SQL column or SQL expression (as opposed to a RolapCalculatedMember.
StarColumnPredicate Refinement of StarPredicate which constrains precisely one column.
StarPredicate Condition which constrains a set of values of a single RolapStar.Column or a set of columns.
TupleReader Describes the public methods of SqlTupleReader.
TupleReader.MemberBuilder Factory to create new members for a hierarchy from SQL result.

Class Summary
ArrayMemberSource ArrayMemberSource implements a flat, static hierarchy.
BitKey.AbstractBitKey Abstract implementation of BitKey.
BitKey.Big Implementation of BitKey with more than 64 bits.
BitKey.Mid128 Implementation of BitKey good for sizes less than 128.
BitKey.Small Implementation of BitKey for bit counts less than 64.
CacheControlImpl Implementation of CacheControl API.
CacheControlImpl.CrossjoinCellRegion Cell region formed by a cartesian product of two or more CellRegions.
CacheControlImpl.EmptyMemberSet Member set containing no members.
CacheControlImpl.MemberCellRegion Cell region formed by a list of members.
CacheControlImpl.MemberRangeCellRegion Cell region formed a range of members between a lower and upper bound.
CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitorImpl Default implementation of CacheControlImpl.MemberSetVisitor.
CacheControlImpl.RangeMemberSet Member set defined by a range of members between a lower and upper bound.
CacheControlImpl.SimpleMemberSet Member set defined by a list of members from one hierarchy.
CacheControlImpl.UnionMemberSet Member set defined by the union of other member sets.
CacheMemberReader CacheMemberReader implements MemberReader by reading from a pre-populated array of Members.
ChildByNameConstraint Constraint which optimizes the search for a child by name.
DefaultMemberChildrenConstraint Restricts the SQL result set to the parent member of a MemberChildren query.
DefaultTupleConstraint TupleConstraint which does not restrict the result.
DelegatingMemberReader A DelegatingMemberReader is a MemberReader which redirects all method calls to an underlying MemberReader.
DescendantsConstraint TupleConstaint which restricts the result of a tuple sqlQuery to a set of parents.
FastBatchingCellReader A FastBatchingCellReader doesn't really Read cells: when asked to look up the values of stored measures, it lies, and records the fact that the value was asked for.
GroupingSetsCollector The GroupingSetsCollector collects the GroupinpSets and pass the consolidated list to form group by grouping sets sql
HierarchyUsage A HierarchyUsage is the usage of a hierarchy in the context of a cube.
HighCardSqlTupleReader Reads the members of a single level (level.members) or of multiple levels (crossjoin).
MeasureMemberSource A MeasureMemberSource implements the MemberReader interface for the special Measures dimension.
MemberCacheHelper Encapsulation of member caching.
MemberKey MemberKey todo:
NoCacheMemberReader NoCacheMemberReader implements MemberReader but without doing any kind of caching and avoiding to read all members.
RestrictedMemberReader A RestrictedMemberReader reads only the members of a hierarchy allowed by a role's access profile.
ResultLoader Loader to be iterated to load all results from database.
RolapAggregationManager RolapAggregationManager manages all Aggregations in the system.
RolapAggregator Describes an aggregation operator, such as "sum" or "count".
RolapAggregator.AvgFromAvg Aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the average aggregator.
RolapAggregator.AvgFromSum Aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the average aggregator.
RolapAggregator.BaseAggor This is the base class for implementing aggregators over sum and average columns in an aggregate table.
RolapAggregator.SumFromAvg This is an aggregator used for aggregate tables implementing the sum aggregator.
RolapAxis Derived classes of RolapAxis implements the Axis interface which are specializations based upon the number of Positions, how each Position's Members are orgainized and whether the Members/Member[]s are in a List or an Iterable.
RolapAxis.MemberArrayIterable A MemberArrayIterable takes an Iterable<Member[]> where each Position has an array of Members from the corresponding location in the iterator.
RolapAxis.MemberArrayList A MemberArrayList takes a List<Member[]> where each Position has the Member's from the corresponding location in the list.
RolapAxis.MemberIterable A MemberIterable takes an Iterable<Member> where each Position has a single Member from the corresponding location in the iterator.
RolapAxis.MemberList A MemberList takes a List<Member> where each Position has a single Member from the corresponding location in the list.
RolapAxis.NoPosition The NoPosition Axis implementation is an Axis that has no Positions, the size of the list of positions is zero.
RolapAxis.PositionBase The PositionBase is an abstract implementation of the Position interface and provides both Iterator<Member> and ListIterator<Member> implementations.
RolapAxis.PositionList The PositionList Axis implementation takes a List of positions.
RolapAxis.PositionListBase The PositionListBase is an abstract implementation of the List<Position> interface and provides both Iterator<Position> and ListIterator<Position> implementations.
RolapAxis.PositionUnsupported A List<Member> for which all methods throw the UnsupportedOperationException exception when invoked.
RolapAxis.SingleEmptyPosition A SingleEmptyPosition has a single Position and the Position has no Members.
RolapAxis.Wrapper A Wrapper has many uses.
RolapBaseCubeMeasure Measure which is computed from a SQL column (or expression) and which is defined in a non-virtual cube.
RolapCacheRegion A RolapCacheRegion represents a region of multidimensional space in the cache.
RolapCalculatedMember A RolapCalculatedMember is a member based upon a Formula.
RolapCell RolapCell implements Cell within a RolapResult.
RolapConnection A RolapConnection is a connection to a Mondrian OLAP Server.
RolapConnection.NonEmptyResult A NonEmptyResult filters a result by removing empty rows on a particular axis.
RolapConnectionPool Singleton class that holds a connection pool.
RolapCube RolapCube implements Cube for a ROLAP database.
RolapCubeDimension RolapCubeDimension wraps a RolapDimension for a specific Cube.
RolapCubeHierarchy Hierarchy that is associated with a specific Cube.
RolapCubeLevel RolapCubeLevel wraps a RolapLevel for a specific Cube.
RolapCubeLevel.AllLevelReaderImpl Level reader for the level which contains the 'all' member.
RolapCubeLevel.NullLevelReader Level reader for the level which contains the null member.
RolapCubeMember RolapCubeMember wraps RolapMembers and binds them to a specific cube.
RolapCubeUsages RolapCubeUsages This provides us with the base cubes that a virtual cube uses and specifies if unrelated dimensions to measures from these cubes should be ignored.
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator Evaluator which checks dependencies of expressions.
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.DteCompiler Expression compiler which introduces dependency testing.
RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.DteRoot Holds context for a tree of RolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.
RolapDimension RolapDimension implements Dimensionfor a ROLAP database.
RolapEvaluator RolapEvaluator evaluates expressions in a dimensional environment.
RolapHierarchy RolapHierarchy implements Hierarchy for a ROLAP database.
RolapHierarchy.LimitedRollupMember Substitute for a member in a hierarchy whose rollup policy is 'partial' or 'hidden'.
RolapHierarchy.RolapCalculatedMeasure Calculated member which is also a measure (that is, a member of the [Measures] dimension).
RolapHierarchy.RolapNullMember A RolapNullMember is the null member of its hierarchy.
RolapLevel RolapLevel implements Level for a ROLAP database.
RolapMember A RolapMember is a member of a RolapHierarchy.
RolapNative A factory for NativeEvaluator.
RolapNativeCrossJoin creates a NativeEvaluator that evaluates NON EMPTY CrossJoin in SQL.
RolapNativeCrossJoin.NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint Constraint that restricts the result to the current context.
RolapNativeFilter Computes a Filter(set, condition) in SQL.
RolapNativeRegistry Composite of RolapNatives.
RolapNativeSet Analyses set expressions and executes them in SQL if possible.
RolapNativeSet.DescendantsCrossJoinArg represents one of Level.Members: member == null and level != null Member.Children: member != null and level = member.getLevel().getChildLevel() Member.Descendants: member != null and level == some level below member.getLevel()
RolapNativeSet.MemberListCrossJoinArg Represents an enumeration {member1, member2, ...}.
RolapNativeSet.SetConstraint Constraint for non empty {crossjoin, member.children, member.descendants, level.members}
RolapNativeSql Creates SQL from parse tree nodes.
RolapNativeSql.CompositeSqlCompiler Implementation of RolapNativeSql.SqlCompiler that uses chain of responsibility to find a matching sql compiler.
RolapNativeTopCount Computes a TopCount in SQL.
RolapProperty RolapProperty is the definition of a member property.
RolapResult A RolapResult is the result of running a query.
RolapResult.CellFormatterValueFormatter A CellFormatterValueFormatter uses a user-defined CellFormatter to format values.
RolapResult.CellInfo A CellInfo contains all of the information that a Cell requires.
RolapResult.CellInfoMap Implementation of RolapResult.CellInfoContainer which uses a Map to store CellInfo Objects.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool Implementation of RolapResult.CellInfoContainer which uses an ObjectPool to store RolapResult.CellInfo Objects.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Four For axis of size 4.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.One For axis of size 1.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Three For axis of size 3.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Two For axis of size 2.
RolapResult.CellInfoPool.Zero For axis of size 0.
RolapResult.FormatValueFormatter A FormatValueFormatter takes a Locale as a parameter and uses it to get the Format to be used in formatting an Object value with a given format string.
RolapResult.RolapResultEvaluatorRoot Extension to RolapEvaluator.RolapEvaluatorRoot which is capable of evaluating named sets.

A given set is only evaluated once each time a query is executed; the result is added to the RolapResult.RolapResultEvaluatorRoot.namedSetValues cache on first execution and re-used.

Named sets are always evaluated in the context of the slicer.

RolapSchema A RolapSchema is a collection of RolapCubes and shared RolapDimensions.
RolapSchema.Pool A collection of schemas, identified by their connection properties (catalog name, JDBC URL, and so forth).
RolapSchema.RolapSchemaFunctionTable Function table which contains all of the user-defined functions in this schema, plus all of the standard functions.
RolapSchemaParameter Parameter which is defined in a schema.
RolapSchemaReader A RolapSchemaReader allows you to read schema objects while observing the access-control profile specified by a given role.
RolapStar A RolapStar is a star schema.
RolapStar.AliasReplacer Creates a copy of an expression, everywhere replacing one alias with another.
RolapStar.Column A column in a star schema.
RolapStar.ColumnComparator Comparator to compare columns based on their name
RolapStar.Measure Definition of a measure in a star schema.
RolapStar.Table Definition of a table in a star schema.
RolapUtil Utility methods for classes in the mondrian.rolap package.
RolapUtil.Semaphore A Semaphore is a primitive for process synchronization.
RolapUtil.TeeWriter Writes to a string and also to an underlying writer.
RolapVirtualCubeMeasure Measure which is defined in a virtual cube, and based on a stored measure in one of the virtual cube's base cubes.
SmartMemberListCache<K,V> Uses a SmartCache to store lists of members, where the key depends on a SqlConstraint.
SmartMemberListCache.Key2<T1,T2> a HashMap key that consists of two components.
SmartMemberReader SmartMemberReader implements MemberReader by keeping a cache of members and their children.
SqlConstraintFactory Creates the right constraint for common tasks.
SqlConstraintUtils Utility class used by implementations of SqlConstraint, used to generate constraints into SqlQuery.
SqlContextConstraint limits the result of a Member SQL query to the current evaluation context.
SqlMemberSource A SqlMemberSource reads members from a SQL database.
SqlStatement SqlStatement contains a SQL statement and associated resources throughout its lifetime.
SqlTupleReader Reads the members of a single level (level.members) or of multiple levels (crossjoin).
StarColumnPredicate.Overlap Returned by StarColumnPredicate.intersect(mondrian.rolap.StarColumnPredicate), describes whether two predicates overlap, and if so, the remaining predicate.
StringList StringList makes it easy to build up a comma-separated string.
SubstitutingMemberReader Implementation of MemberReader which replaces given members with a substitute.
Target Extracted Target from original place.
Test todo:

Enum Summary
HighCardSqlTupleReader.WhichSelect Description of the position of a SELECT statement in a UNION.
RolapConnectionProperties RolapConnectionProperties enumerates the allowable values of keywords in a Mondrian connect string.
RolapLevel.HideMemberCondition Conditions under which a level's members may be hidden (thereby creating a ragged hierarchy).
SqlTupleReader.WhichSelect Description of the position of a SELECT statement in a UNION.

Package mondrian.rolap Description

Implements the data access layer for the olap package.


When a member expression like member.children is evaluated, the function requests the SchemaReader from the Evaluator. The RolapEvaluator uses the RolapSchemaReader which delegates most calls to one of its MemberReaders (one per dimension). In most cases, a SmartMemberReader will be used, which returns the requested members immediately.


Cells are evaluated multiple times. For the first time, a FastBatchingCellReader is used. When a cell is evaluated, Evaluator.evaluateCurrent() is called. The FastBatchingCellReader will not compute the cells value but record a CellRequest for that cell and return (not throw) an exception. After all CellRequests for all cells have been recorded, the Aggregation will generate SQL to load all cells with a single SQL query. After that the cells are evaluated again with an AggregatingCellReader that will return the cell values from the cache.

