Interface BitKey

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<BitKey>, Iterable<Integer>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BitKey.AbstractBitKey, BitKey.Big, BitKey.Mid128, BitKey.Small

public interface BitKey
extends Comparable<BitKey>, Iterable<Integer>

Represents a set of bits.

Unlike BitSet, the number of bits cannot be changed after the BitKey is created. This allows us to optimize.

If you have a collection of immutable objects, each of which has a unique positive number and you wish to do comparisons between subsets of those objects testing for equality, then encoding the subsets as BitKeys is very efficient.

There are two implementations that target groups of objects with maximum number less than 64 and less than 128; and there is one implements that is general for any positive number.

One caution: if the maximum number assigned to one of the objects is large, then this representation might be sparse and therefore not efficient.

Richard M. Emberson

Nested Class Summary
static class BitKey.AbstractBitKey
          Abstract implementation of BitKey.
static class BitKey.Big
          Implementation of BitKey with more than 64 bits.
static class BitKey.Factory
static class BitKey.Mid128
          Implementation of BitKey good for sizes less than 128.
static class BitKey.Small
          Implementation of BitKey for bit counts less than 64.
Field Summary
static byte[] bitPositionTable
Method Summary
 BitKey and(BitKey bitKey)
          Returns the boolean AND of this bitkey and the given bitkey.
 BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey)
          Returns a BitKey containing all of the bits in this BitSet whose corresponding bit is NOT set in the specified BitSet.
 void clear()
          Sets all of the bits in this BitKey to false.
 void clear(int bitIndex)
          Sets the bit specified by the index to false.
 BitKey copy()
          Returns a copy of this BitKey.
 BitKey emptyCopy()
          Returns an empty BitKey of the same type.
 boolean get(int bitIndex)
          Returns the value of the bit with the specified index.
 boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey)
          Returns whether this BitKey has any bits in common with a given BitKey.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if this BitKey contains no bits that are set to true.
 boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey)
          Is every bit set in the parameter bitKey also set in this.
 Iterator<Integer> iterator()
          An Iterator over the bit positions.
 BitKey or(BitKey bitKey)
          Or the parameter BitKey with this.
 void set(int bitIndex)
          Sets the bit at the specified index to true.
 void set(int bitIndex, boolean value)
          Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.
 BitSet toBitSet()
          Returns a BitSet with the same contents as this BitKey.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Field Detail


static final byte[] bitPositionTable
Method Detail


void set(int bitIndex,
         boolean value)
Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.


void set(int bitIndex)
Sets the bit at the specified index to true.


boolean get(int bitIndex)
Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value is true if the bit with the index bitIndex is currently set in this BitKey; otherwise, the result is false.


void clear(int bitIndex)
Sets the bit specified by the index to false.


void clear()
Sets all of the bits in this BitKey to false.


boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey)
Is every bit set in the parameter bitKey also set in this. If one switches this with the parameter bitKey one gets the equivalent of isSubSetOf.

bitKey -


BitKey or(BitKey bitKey)
Or the parameter BitKey with this.

bitKey -


BitKey and(BitKey bitKey)
Returns the boolean AND of this bitkey and the given bitkey.


BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey)
Returns a BitKey containing all of the bits in this BitSet whose corresponding bit is NOT set in the specified BitSet.


BitKey copy()
Returns a copy of this BitKey.

copy of BitKey


BitKey emptyCopy()
Returns an empty BitKey of the same type. This is the same as calling copy() followed by clear().

BitKey of same type


boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if this BitKey contains no bits that are set to true.


boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey)
Returns whether this BitKey has any bits in common with a given BitKey.


BitSet toBitSet()
Returns a BitSet with the same contents as this BitKey.


Iterator<Integer> iterator()
An Iterator over the bit positions. For example, if the BitKey had positions 3 and 4 set, then the Iterator would return the values 3 and then 4. The bit positions returned by the iterator are in the order, from smallest to largest, as they are set in the BitKey.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Integer>
