Class RolapVirtualCubeMeasure

  extended by mondrian.olap.OlapElementBase
      extended by mondrian.olap.MemberBase
          extended by mondrian.rolap.RolapMember
              extended by mondrian.rolap.RolapVirtualCubeMeasure
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, Member, OlapElement, RolapMeasure, RolapStoredMeasure

public class RolapVirtualCubeMeasure
extends RolapMember
implements RolapStoredMeasure

Measure which is defined in a virtual cube, and based on a stored measure in one of the virtual cube's base cubes.

Aug 18, 2006

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface mondrian.olap.Member
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class mondrian.olap.MemberBase
flags, level, parentMember, parentUniqueName, uniqueName
Fields inherited from class mondrian.olap.OlapElementBase
Constructor Summary
RolapVirtualCubeMeasure(RolapMember parentMember, RolapLevel level, RolapStoredMeasure cubeMeasure)
Method Summary
 RolapAggregator getAggregator()
          Returns the aggregation function which rolls up this measure: "SUM", "COUNT", etc.
 RolapCube getCube()
          Returns the cube this measure belongs to.
 CellFormatter getFormatter()
          Returns the object that formats cells of this measure, or null to use default formatting.
 MondrianDef.Expression getMondrianDefExpression()
          Returns the column which holds the value of the measure.
 Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName, boolean matchCase)
          Returns the value of the property named propertyName, matching according to the required case-sensitivity.
 Object getStarMeasure()
          Returns the RolapStar.Measure from which this member is computed.
Methods inherited from class mondrian.rolap.RolapMember
childLevelHasApproxRowCount, compareTo, equals, equals, getAllMembers, getDepth, getHierarchy, getHierarchyCardinality, getKey, getLevel, getLogger, getName, getOrderKey, getOrdinal, getParentMember, getProperties, getPropertyFormattedValue, getPropertyFromMap, getPropertyValue, hashCode, isAllMember, isCalculatedInQuery, isHidden, keyToString, makeUniqueName, setName, setOrderKey, setOrdinal, setOrdinals, setParentMember, setProperty, setUniqueName
Methods inherited from class mondrian.olap.MemberBase
computeCalculated, getAncestorMembers, getCaption, getDataMember, getDescription, getDimension, getExpression, getMemberType, getParentUniqueName, getQualifiedName, getSolveOrder, getUniqueName, isAll, isCalculated, isChildOrEqualTo, isChildOrEqualTo, isMeasure, isNull, lookupChild, lookupChild
Methods inherited from class mondrian.olap.OlapElementBase
clone, computeHashCode, setCaption, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface mondrian.olap.Member
getAncestorMembers, getDataMember, getDepth, getExpression, getHierarchy, getLevel, getMemberType, getOrderKey, getOrdinal, getParentMember, getParentUniqueName, getProperties, getPropertyFormattedValue, getPropertyValue, getSolveOrder, isAll, isCalculated, isCalculatedInQuery, isChildOrEqualTo, isHidden, isMeasure, isNull, setName, setProperty
Methods inherited from interface mondrian.olap.OlapElement
getCaption, getDescription, getDimension, getName, getQualifiedName, getUniqueName, lookupChild, lookupChild
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Constructor Detail


public RolapVirtualCubeMeasure(RolapMember parentMember,
                               RolapLevel level,
                               RolapStoredMeasure cubeMeasure)
Method Detail


public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName,
                               boolean matchCase)
Description copied from interface: Member
Returns the value of the property named propertyName, matching according to the required case-sensitivity.

Specified by:
getPropertyValue in interface Member
getPropertyValue in class RolapMember


public RolapCube getCube()
Description copied from interface: RolapStoredMeasure
Returns the cube this measure belongs to.

Specified by:
getCube in interface RolapStoredMeasure


public Object getStarMeasure()
Description copied from interface: RolapStoredMeasure
Returns the RolapStar.Measure from which this member is computed. Untyped, because another implementation might store it somewhere else.

Specified by:
getStarMeasure in interface RolapStoredMeasure


public MondrianDef.Expression getMondrianDefExpression()
Description copied from interface: RolapStoredMeasure
Returns the column which holds the value of the measure.

Specified by:
getMondrianDefExpression in interface RolapStoredMeasure


public RolapAggregator getAggregator()
Description copied from interface: RolapStoredMeasure
Returns the aggregation function which rolls up this measure: "SUM", "COUNT", etc.

Specified by:
getAggregator in interface RolapStoredMeasure


public CellFormatter getFormatter()
Description copied from interface: RolapMeasure
Returns the object that formats cells of this measure, or null to use default formatting.

Specified by:
getFormatter in interface RolapMeasure
