Package mondrian.rolap.agg

Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.


Interface Summary
QuerySpec Contains the information necessary to generate a SQL statement to retrieve a set of cells.
SegmentDataset A SegmentDataset holds the values in a segment.

Class Summary
AbstractColumnPredicate A AbstractColumnPredicate is an abstract implementation for StarColumnPredicate.
AbstractColumnPredicate.Factory Factory for StarPredicates and StarColumnPredicates.
AbstractQuerySpec Base class for QuerySpec implementations.
AggQuerySpec An AggStar's version of the QuerySpec.
Aggregation A Aggregation is a pre-computed aggregation over a set of columns.
AggregationKey This class defines the column context that an Aggregation is computed for.
AggregationManager RolapAggregationManager manages all Aggregations in the system.
AggregationManager.PinSetImpl Implementation of RolapAggregationManager.PinSet using a HashSet.
AndPredicate Predicate which is the intersection of a list of predicates.
CellRequest A CellRequest contains the context necessary to get a cell value from a star.
CountingAggregationManager This class adds to AggregationManager counters for aggregation cache hit and miss.
DenseSegmentDataset A DenseSegmentDataset is a means of storing segment values which is suitable when most of the combinations of keys have a value present.
DrillThroughQuerySpec Provides the information necessary to generate SQL for a drill-through request.
GroupingSet The GroupingSet stores the information about an Aggregation which can be represented as a GROUP BY GROUPING SET in a SQL query.
GroupingSetsList Class for using GROUP BY GROUPING SETS sql query.
ListColumnPredicate Predicate which is the union of a list of predicates, each of which applies to the same, single column.
ListPredicate Base class for AndPredicate and OrPredicate.
LiteralStarPredicate A constraint which always returns true or false.
MemberColumnPredicate Column constraint defined by a member.
MemberTuplePredicate Predicate which constrains a column to a particular member, or a range above or below a member, or a range between two members.
MinusStarPredicate A StarPredicate which evaluates to true if its first child evaluates to true and its second child evaluates to false.
OrPredicate Predicate which is the union of a list of predicates.
RangeColumnPredicate Predicate constraining a column to be greater than or less than a given bound, or between a pair of bounds.
Segment A Segment is a collection of cell values parameterized by a measure, and a set of (column, value) pairs.
Segment.Region Definition of a region of values which are not in a segment.
SegmentArrayQuerySpec Provides the information necessary to generate a SQL statement to retrieve a list of segments.
SegmentLoader The SegmentLoader queries database and loads the data into the given set of segments.
SparseSegmentDataset A SparseSegmentDataset is a means of storing segment values which is suitable when few of the combinations of keys have a value present.
ValueColumnPredicate A constraint which requires a column to have a particular value.

Package mondrian.rolap.agg Description

Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.

