Package mondrian.util

Mondrian utilities.


Interface Summary
DateSchedule A DateSchedule returns a series of dates.
FilteredIterableList.Filter<T> Filter to determine which elements should be shown.
Format.LocaleFormatFactory Locates a Format.FormatLocale for a given locale.
MemoryMonitor API for Mondrian's memory monitors.
MemoryMonitor.Listener A MemoryMonitor client implements the Listener interface and registers with the MemoryMonitor.
MemoryMonitor.Test This is an interface that a MemoryMonitor may optionally implement.
ObjectFactory.Context This is for testing only.
TimeSchedule A TimeSchedule generates a series of times within a day.
UtilCompatible Interface containing methods which are implemented differently in different versions of the JDK.

Class Summary
AbstractMemoryMonitor Abstract implementation of MemoryMonitor.
AbstractMemoryMonitor.Entry Class used to associate Listener and threshold.
Base64 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Bug Holder for constants which indicate whether particular issues have been fixed.
CacheMap<S,T> Map with limited size to be used as cache.
DailyDateSchedule A DailyDateSchedule fires every day.
DelegatingInvocationHandler A class derived from DelegatingInvocationHandler handles a method call by looking for a method in itself with identical parameters.
FauxMemoryMonitor The FauxMemoryMonitor implements the MemoryMonitor interface but does nothing: all methods are empty.
FilteredIterableList<T> Iterable list which filters undesirable elements.
Format Format formats numbers, strings and dates according to the same specification as Visual Basic's format() function.
Format.AlternateFormat AlternateFormat is an implementation of Format.BasicFormat which allows a different format to be used for different kinds of values.
Format.BasicFormat BasicFormat is the interface implemented by the classes which do all the work.
Format.CompoundFormat CompoundFormat is an implementation of Format.BasicFormat where each value is formatted by applying a sequence of format elements.
Format.DateFormat DateFormat is an element of a Format.CompoundFormat which has a value when applied to a Calendar object.
Format.FallbackFormat FallbackFormat catches un-handled datatypes and prints the original format string.
Format.FloatingDecimal Copied from java.lang.FloatingDecimal.
Format.FormatLocale A FormatLocale contains all information necessary to format objects based upon the locale of the end-user.
Format.JavaFormat JavaFormat is an implementation of Format.BasicFormat which prints values using Java's default formatting for their type.
Format.LiteralFormat LiteralFormat is an implementation of Format.BasicFormat which prints a constant value, regardless of the value to be formatted.
Format.NumericFormat NumericFormat is an implementation of Format.BasicFormat which prints numbers with a given number of decimal places, leading zeroes, in exponential notation, etc.
MemoryMonitorFactory The MemoryMonitorFactory is used to get the application's MemoryMonitor.
MonthlyByDayDateSchedule A MonthlyByDayDateSchedule fires on a particular set of days every month.
MonthlyByWeekDateSchedule A MonthlyByWeekDateSchedule fires on particular days of particular weeks of a month.
NotificationMemoryMonitor The NotificationMemoryMonitor class uses the Java5 memory management system to detect system low memory events.
ObjectFactory<V> Concrete derived classes of the generic ObjectFactory class are used to produce an implementation of an interface (a normal interface implementation or a Proxy).
ObjectFactory.Singleton<T> Implementation of ObjectFactory that returns only a single instance of the Object.
ObjectPool<T> An ObjectPool is a low-memory replacement for a HashSet.
OnceTimeSchedule A OnceTimeSchedule fires at one and only one time.
Pair<L,R> Pair of values.
PrimeFinder Not of interest for users; only for implementors of hashtables.
Schedule A Schedule generates a series of time events.
ScheduleUtil Utility functions for Schedule and supporting classes.
TraversalList<T> Implementation of List for transposing an array of lists.
UnionIterator<T> Iterator over union of several Iterable collections.
UnsupportedList<T> Implementation of List where all methods throw an UnsupportedOperationException exception except for the isEmpty method.
UtilCompatibleJdk14 Implementation of UtilCompatible which runs in JDK 1.4.
UtilCompatibleJdk15 Implementation of UtilCompatible which runs in JDK 1.5.
WeeklyDateSchedule A WeeklyDateSchedule fires every week.

Exception Summary

Package mondrian.util Description

Mondrian utilities.

