Interface MemoryMonitor.Test

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMemoryMonitor, NotificationMemoryMonitor
Enclosing interface:

public static interface MemoryMonitor.Test

This is an interface that a MemoryMonitor may optionally implement. These methods give the tester access to some of the internal, white-box data.

During testing Mondrian has a default MemoryMonitor which might be replaced with a test MemoryMonitors using the ThreadLocal mechanism. After the test using the test MemoryMonitor finishes, a call to the resetFromTest method allows the default MemoryMonitor reset itself. This is hook that should only be called as part of testing.


Method Summary
 void resetFromTest()
          This should only be called when one is switching from a test MemoryMonitor back to the default system MemoryMonitor.

Method Detail


void resetFromTest()
This should only be called when one is switching from a test MemoryMonitor back to the default system MemoryMonitor. In particular, look at the MemoryMonitorFactory's clearThreadLocalClassName() method for its usage.
