
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.


Interface Summary
Resolver A Resolver converts a function name, invocation type, and set of arguments into a FunDef.

Class Summary
AbstractAggregateFunDef Abstract base class for all aggregate functions (Aggregate, Sum, Avg, et cetera).
AddCalculatedMembersFunDef Definition of the AddCalculatedMembers MDX function.
AggregateFunDef Definition of the AGGREGATE MDX function.
AncestorFunDef Definition of the Ancestor MDX function.
ArrayHolder<T> Holds an array, so that ArrayHolder.equals(java.lang.Object) and ArrayHolder.hashCode() work.
AvgFunDef Definition of the Avg MDX function.
BuiltinFunTable BuiltinFunTable contains a list of all built-in MDX functions.
CacheFunDef Definition of the Cache system function, which is smart enough to evaluate its argument only once.
CaseMatchFunDef Definition of the matched CASE MDX operator.
CaseTestFunDef Definition of the tested CASE MDX operator.
CastFunDef Definition of the CAST MDX operator.
CoalesceEmptyFunDef Definition of the CoalesceEmpty MDX function.
CorrelationFunDef Definition of the Correlation MDX function.
CountFunDef Definition of the Count MDX function.
CovarianceFunDef Definition of the Covariance and CovarianceN MDX functions.
CrossJoinFunDef Definition of the CrossJoin MDX function.
CustomizedFunctionTable Interface to build a customized function table, selecting functions from the set of supported functions in BuiltInFunTable instance.
DescendantsFunDef Definition of the Descendants MDX function.
DimensionCurrentMemberFunDef Definition of the <Dimension>.CurrentMember MDX builtin function.
DistinctFunDef Definition of the Distinct MDX function.
DrilldownLevelFunDef Definition of the DrilldownLevel MDX function.
DrilldownLevelTopBottomFunDef Definition of the DrilldownLevelTop and DrilldownLevelBottom MDX builtin functions.
DrilldownMemberFunDef Definition of the DrilldownMember MDX function.
ExceptFunDef Definition of the Except MDX function.
ExistsFunDef Definition of the EXISTS MDX function.
ExtractFunDef Definition of the Extract MDX function.
FilterFunDef Definition of the Filter MDX function.
FormatFunDef Definition of the Format MDX function.
FunDefBase FunDefBase is the default implementation of FunDef.
FunInfo Support class for the CmdRunner allowing one to view available functions and their syntax.
FunTableImpl Abstract implementation of FunTable.
FunUtil FunUtil contains a set of methods useful within the package.
GenerateFunDef Definition of the Generate MDX function.
GlobalFunTable Global function table contains builtin functions and global user-defined functions.
HeadTailFunDef Definition of the Head and Tail MDX builtin functions.
HierarchizeFunDef Definition of the Hierarchize MDX function.
HierarchyCurrentMemberFunDef Definition of the <Hierarchy>.CurrentMember MDX builtin function.
HierarchyDimensionFunDef Definition of the <Hierarchy>.Dimension MDX builtin function.
IifFunDef Definition of the Iif MDX function.
IntersectFunDef Definition of the INTERSECT MDX function.
IsEmptyFunDef Definition of the IsEmpty MDX function.
IsFunDef Definition of the IS MDX function.
IsNullFunDef Definition of the IS NULL MDX function.
JavaFunDef MDX function which is implemented by a Java method.
LastPeriodsFunDef Definition of the LastPeriods MDX function.
LeadLagFunDef Definition of the Lead and Lag MDX functions.
LevelHierarchyFunDef Definition of the <Level>.Hierarchy MDX builtin function.
LinReg Abstract base class for definitions of linear regression functions.
LinReg.InterceptFunDef Definition of the LinRegIntercept MDX function.
LinReg.PointFunDef Definition of the LinRegPoint MDX function.
LinReg.R2FunDef Definition of the LinRegR2 MDX function.
LinReg.SlopeFunDef Definition of the LinRegSlope MDX function.
LinReg.VarianceFunDef Definition of the LinRegVariance MDX function.
MedianFunDef Definition of the Median MDX functions.
MemberHelper This helper class is used by the Distinct(<set>) function to determine whether or not elements of different types within a set are equal.
MemberHierarchyFunDef Definition of the <Member>.Hierarchy MDX builtin function.
MemberLevelFunDef Definition of the <Member>.Level MDX builtin function.
MinMaxFunDef Definition of the Min and Max MDX functions.
MultiResolver A MultiResolver considers several overloadings of the same function.
NonEmptyCrossJoinFunDef Definition of the NonEmptyCrossJoin MDX function.
OpeningClosingPeriodFunDef Definition of the OpeningPeriod and ClosingPeriod builtin functions.
OrderFunDef Definition of the Order MDX function.
ParallelPeriodFunDef Definition of the ParallelPeriod MDX function.
ParameterFunDef A ParameterFunDef is a pseudo-function describing calls to Parameter and ParamRef functions.
ParameterFunDef.ParameterResolver Resolves calls to the Parameter MDX function.
ParameterFunDef.ParamRefResolver Resolves calls to the ParamRef MDX function.
ParenthesesFunDef ParenthesesFunDef implements the parentheses operator as if it were a function.
PercentileFunDef Definition of the Percentile MDX function.
PeriodsToDateFunDef Definition of the PeriodsToDate MDX function.
PropertiesFunDef Definition of the Properties MDX function.
RangeFunDef Definition of the MDX <Member> : <Member> operator, which returns the set of members between a given pair of members.
RankFunDef Definition of the RANK MDX function.
RankFunDef.RankedMemberList Data structure which contains a list and can return the position of an element in the list in O(log N).
RankFunDef.RankedTupleList Data structure which contains a list and can return the position of an element in the list in O(log N).
ReflectiveMultiResolver Resolver which uses reflection to instantiate a FunDef.
ResolverBase ResolverBase provides a skeleton implementation of interface Resolver
SetFunDef SetFunDef implements the 'set' function (whose syntax is the brace operator, { ...
SetFunDef.ListSetCalc Compiled expression to implement the MDX set function, { ...
SetItemFunDef Definition of the <Set>.Item MDX function.
SetToStrFunDef Definition of the SetToStr MDX function.
SimpleResolver A SimpleResolver resolves a single, non-overloaded function.
StdevFunDef Definition of the Stdev builtin MDX function, and its alias Stddev.
StdevPFunDef Definition of the StdevP builtin MDX function, and its alias StddevP.
StrToSetFunDef Definition of the StrToSet MDX builtin function.
StrToTupleFunDef Definition of the StrToTuple MDX function.
SubsetFunDef Definition of the Subset MDX function.
SumFunDef Definition of the Sum MDX function.
ToggleDrillStateFunDef Definition of the ToggleDrillState MDX function.
TopBottomCountFunDef Definition of the TopCount and BottomCount MDX builtin functions.
TopBottomPercentSumFunDef Definition of the TopPercent, BottomPercent, TopSum and BottomSum MDX builtin functions.
TupleFunDef TupleFunDef implements the '(...)' operator which builds tuples, as in ([Time].CurrentMember, [Stores].[USA].[California]).
TupleItemFunDef Definition of the <Tuple>.Item MDX function.
TupleToStrFunDef Definition of the TupleToStr MDX function.
UdfResolver Resolver for user-defined functions.
UnionFunDef Definition of the Union MDX function.
UnorderFunDef Definition of the Unorder MDX function.
ValidMeasureFunDef Definition of the ValidMeasure MDX function.
ValueFunDef A ValueFunDef is a pseudo-function to evaluate a member or a tuple.
VarFunDef Definition of the Var MDX builtin function (and its synonym Variance).
VarPFunDef Definition of the VarP MDX builtin function (and its synonym VarianceP).
VisualTotalsFunDef Definition of the VisualTotals MDX function.
XtdFunDef Definition of Ytd, Qtd, Mtd, and Wtd MDX builtin functions.

Enum Summary
DescendantsFunDef.Flag Enumeration of the flags allowed to the DESCENDANTS function.
OrderFunDef.Flag Enumeration of the flags allowed to the ORDER MDX function.

Exception Summary
MondrianEvaluationException Thrown while evaluating a cell expression

Annotation Types Summary
JavaFunDef.Description Annotation which allows you to tag a Java method with the description of the MDX function it implements.
JavaFunDef.FunctionName Annotation which allows you to tag a Java method with the name of the MDX function it implements.
JavaFunDef.Signature Annotation which allows you to tag a Java method with the signature of the MDX function it implements.
JavaFunDef.SyntaxDef Annotation which allows you to tag a Java method with the syntax of the MDX function it implements.

Package Description

Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.

