Class Summary |
AbstractAggregateFunDef |
Abstract base class for all aggregate functions (Aggregate ,
Sum , Avg , et cetera). |
AddCalculatedMembersFunDef |
Definition of the AddCalculatedMembers MDX function. |
AggregateFunDef |
Definition of the AGGREGATE MDX function. |
AggregateFunDef.AggregateCalc |
AncestorFunDef |
Definition of the Ancestor MDX function. |
ArrayHolder<T> |
Holds an array, so that ArrayHolder.equals(java.lang.Object) and ArrayHolder.hashCode() work. |
AvgFunDef |
Definition of the Avg MDX function. |
BuiltinFunTable |
BuiltinFunTable contains a list of all built-in MDX functions. |
CacheFunDef |
Definition of the Cache system function, which is smart enough
to evaluate its argument only once. |
CacheFunDef.CacheFunResolver |
CaseMatchFunDef |
Definition of the matched CASE MDX operator. |
CaseTestFunDef |
Definition of the tested CASE MDX operator. |
CastFunDef |
Definition of the CAST MDX operator. |
CoalesceEmptyFunDef |
Definition of the CoalesceEmpty MDX function. |
CorrelationFunDef |
Definition of the Correlation MDX function. |
CountFunDef |
Definition of the Count MDX function. |
CovarianceFunDef |
Definition of the Covariance and CovarianceN MDX functions. |
CrossJoinFunDef |
Definition of the CrossJoin MDX function. |
CustomizedFunctionTable |
Interface to build a customized function table, selecting functions from the set of
supported functions in BuiltInFunTable instance. |
DescendantsFunDef |
Definition of the Descendants MDX function. |
DimensionCurrentMemberFunDef |
Definition of the <Dimension>.CurrentMember MDX builtin
function. |
DimensionCurrentMemberFunDef.CalcImpl |
DistinctFunDef |
Definition of the Distinct MDX function. |
DistinctFunDef.CalcImpl |
DrilldownLevelFunDef |
Definition of the DrilldownLevel MDX function. |
DrilldownLevelTopBottomFunDef |
Definition of the DrilldownLevelTop and
DrilldownLevelBottom MDX builtin functions. |
DrilldownMemberFunDef |
Definition of the DrilldownMember MDX function. |
ExceptFunDef |
Definition of the Except MDX function. |
ExistsFunDef |
Definition of the EXISTS MDX function. |
ExtractFunDef |
Definition of the Extract MDX function. |
FilterFunDef |
Definition of the Filter MDX function. |
FormatFunDef |
Definition of the Format MDX function. |
FunDefBase |
FunDefBase is the default implementation of FunDef . |
FunInfo |
Support class for the CmdRunner allowing one to view
available functions and their syntax. |
FunTableImpl |
Abstract implementation of FunTable . |
FunUtil |
FunUtil contains a set of methods useful within the package. |
FunUtil.SetWrapper |
GenerateFunDef |
Definition of the Generate MDX function. |
GlobalFunTable |
Global function table contains builtin functions and global user-defined functions. |
HeadTailFunDef |
Definition of the Head and Tail
MDX builtin functions. |
HierarchizeFunDef |
Definition of the Hierarchize MDX function. |
HierarchyCurrentMemberFunDef |
Definition of the <Hierarchy>.CurrentMember MDX builtin function. |
HierarchyCurrentMemberFunDef.CalcImpl |
HierarchyDimensionFunDef |
Definition of the <Hierarchy>.Dimension MDX builtin function. |
HierarchyDimensionFunDef.CalcImpl |
IifFunDef |
Definition of the Iif MDX function. |
IntersectFunDef |
Definition of the INTERSECT MDX function. |
IsEmptyFunDef |
Definition of the IsEmpty MDX function. |
IsFunDef |
Definition of the IS MDX function. |
IsNullFunDef |
Definition of the IS NULL MDX function. |
JavaFunDef |
MDX function which is implemented by a Java method. |
LastPeriodsFunDef |
Definition of the LastPeriods MDX function. |
LeadLagFunDef |
Definition of the Lead and Lag MDX functions. |
LevelHierarchyFunDef |
Definition of the <Level>.Hierarchy MDX builtin function. |
LevelHierarchyFunDef.CalcImpl |
LinReg |
Abstract base class for definitions of linear regression functions. |
LinReg.InterceptFunDef |
Definition of the LinRegIntercept MDX function. |
LinReg.PointFunDef |
Definition of the LinRegPoint MDX function. |
LinReg.R2FunDef |
Definition of the LinRegR2 MDX function. |
LinReg.SlopeFunDef |
Definition of the LinRegSlope MDX function. |
LinReg.Value |
LinReg.VarianceFunDef |
Definition of the LinRegVariance MDX function. |
MedianFunDef |
Definition of the Median MDX functions. |
MemberHelper |
This helper class is used by the Distinct(<set>) function to determine
whether or not elements of different types within a set are equal. |
MemberHierarchyFunDef |
Definition of the <Member>.Hierarchy MDX builtin function. |
MemberHierarchyFunDef.CalcImpl |
MemberLevelFunDef |
Definition of the <Member>.Level MDX builtin function. |
MemberLevelFunDef.CalcImpl |
MinMaxFunDef |
Definition of the Min and Max MDX functions. |
MultiResolver |
A MultiResolver considers several overloadings of the same
function. |
NonEmptyCrossJoinFunDef |
Definition of the NonEmptyCrossJoin MDX function. |
OpeningClosingPeriodFunDef |
Definition of the OpeningPeriod and ClosingPeriod
builtin functions. |
OrderFunDef |
Definition of the Order MDX function. |
ParallelPeriodFunDef |
Definition of the ParallelPeriod MDX function. |
ParameterFunDef |
A ParameterFunDef is a pseudo-function describing calls to
Parameter and ParamRef functions. |
ParameterFunDef.ParameterResolver |
Resolves calls to the Parameter MDX function. |
ParameterFunDef.ParamRefResolver |
Resolves calls to the ParamRef MDX function. |
ParenthesesFunDef |
ParenthesesFunDef implements the parentheses operator as if it
were a function. |
PercentileFunDef |
Definition of the Percentile MDX function. |
PeriodsToDateFunDef |
Definition of the PeriodsToDate MDX function. |
PropertiesFunDef |
Definition of the Properties MDX function. |
RangeFunDef |
Definition of the MDX <Member> : <Member> operator,
which returns the set of members between a given pair of members. |
RankFunDef |
Definition of the RANK MDX function. |
RankFunDef.RankedMemberList |
Data structure which contains a list and can return the position of an
element in the list in O(log N). |
RankFunDef.RankedTupleList |
Data structure which contains a list and can return the position of an
element in the list in O(log N). |
ReflectiveMultiResolver |
Resolver which uses reflection to instantiate a FunDef . |
ResolverBase |
ResolverBase provides a skeleton implementation of
interface Resolver |
SetFunDef |
SetFunDef implements the 'set' function (whose syntax is the
brace operator, { ... |
SetFunDef.IterSetCalc |
SetFunDef.ListSetCalc |
Compiled expression to implement the MDX set function, { ... |
SetItemFunDef |
Definition of the <Set>.Item MDX function. |
SetToStrFunDef |
Definition of the SetToStr MDX function. |
SimpleResolver |
A SimpleResolver resolves a single, non-overloaded function. |
StdevFunDef |
Definition of the Stdev builtin MDX function, and its alias
Stddev . |
StdevPFunDef |
Definition of the StdevP builtin MDX function, and its alias
StddevP . |
StrToSetFunDef |
Definition of the StrToSet MDX builtin function. |
StrToTupleFunDef |
Definition of the StrToTuple MDX function. |
SubsetFunDef |
Definition of the Subset MDX function. |
SumFunDef |
Definition of the Sum MDX function. |
ToggleDrillStateFunDef |
Definition of the ToggleDrillState MDX function. |
TopBottomCountFunDef |
Definition of the TopCount and BottomCount
MDX builtin functions. |
TopBottomPercentSumFunDef |
Definition of the TopPercent , BottomPercent ,
TopSum and BottomSum MDX builtin functions. |
TupleFunDef |
TupleFunDef implements the '(...)' operator which builds
tuples, as in ([Time].CurrentMember,
[Stores].[USA].[California]) . |
TupleFunDef.CalcImpl |
TupleItemFunDef |
Definition of the <Tuple>.Item MDX function. |
TupleToStrFunDef |
Definition of the TupleToStr MDX function. |
UdfResolver |
Resolver for user-defined functions. |
UnionFunDef |
Definition of the Union MDX function. |
UnorderFunDef |
Definition of the Unorder MDX function. |
ValidMeasureFunDef |
Definition of the ValidMeasure MDX function. |
ValueFunDef |
A ValueFunDef is a pseudo-function to evaluate a member or
a tuple. |
VarFunDef |
Definition of the Var MDX builtin function
(and its synonym Variance ). |
VarPFunDef |
Definition of the VarP MDX builtin function
(and its synonym VarianceP ). |
VisualTotalsFunDef |
Definition of the VisualTotals MDX function. |
XtdFunDef |
Definition of Ytd , Qtd , Mtd ,
and Wtd MDX builtin functions. |
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.