Class TupleItemFunDef

  extended by org.eigenbase.xom.XMLUtil
      extended by org.eigenbase.xom.XOMUtil
          extended by mondrian.olap.Util
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

 class TupleItemFunDef
extends FunDefBase

Definition of the <Tuple>.Item MDX function.



Mar 23, 2006

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class mondrian.olap.Util
Util.ErrorCellValue, Util.PropertyList
Field Summary
(package private) static TupleItemFunDef instance
Fields inherited from class
flags, parameterCategories, returnCategory, signature
Fields inherited from class
BooleanNull, DoubleEmpty, DoubleNull, emptyStringArray, IntegerNull, NullMember
Fields inherited from class mondrian.olap.Util
EmptyValue, JdbcVersion, nl, nullValue, PreJdk15, Retrowoven
Method Summary
 Calc compileCall(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler)
          Converts a call to this function into executable objects.
 Type getResultType(Validator validator, Exp[] args)
          Returns the type of a call to this function with a given set of arguments.

The default implementation makes the coarse assumption that the return type is in some way related to the type of the first argument.

Methods inherited from class
castType, createCall, getDescription, getName, getParameterCategories, getReturnCategory, getSignature, getSyntax, unparse, validateArg
Methods inherited from class
addMembers, addMembers, addUnique, ancestor, appendTuple, avg, checkCompatible, checkFlag, checkIterListResultStyles, checkListResultStyles, compareHierarchically, compareSiblingMembers, compareValues, compareValues, compareValues, correlation, count, cousin, covariance, createDummyFunDef, decodeCategory, decodeParameterCategories, decodeReturnCategory, decodeSyntacticType, dimensionMembers, equalTuple, evaluateMembers, evaluateMembers, evaluateSet, evaluateSet, evaluateTuples, getLiteralArg, getLiteralArg, getNonEmptyLevelMembers, getNonEmptyMemberChildren, hierarchize, hierarchyMembers, isAncestorOf, isMemberType, levelMembers, makeNullMember, makeNullTuple, max, memberRange, min, newEvalException, newEvalException, percentile, periodsToDate, quartile, removeCalculatedMembers, resolveFunArgs, searchValuesDesc, sign, sortMembers, sortTuples, sortValuesDesc, stdev, sum, sumDouble, sumDouble, toPercent, tupleContainsNullMember, var
Methods inherited from class mondrian.olap.Util
addDatabaseTime, addLevelCalculatedMembers, areOccurencesEqual, assertPostcondition, assertPostcondition, assertPrecondition, assertPrecondition, assertTrue, assertTrue, badValue, camelToUpper, caseSensitiveCompareName, cast, cast, checkCJResultLimit, commaList, compareKey, compareName, convertStackToString, createExpr, createRandom, createSimpleValidator, createUdf, dbTimeMillis, deprecated, enumSetAllOf, enumSetNoneOf, enumSetOf, equal, equalName, equals, equals, getAnnotation, getErrorMessage, getErrorMessage, getFirstDescendantOnLevel, getMemberOrdinalInParent, hash, hash, hashArray, implode, isEmpty, isNull, isSorted, isValidProperty, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookupCompound, lookupCompound, lookupHierarchyLevel, lookupHierarchyRootMember, lookupHierarchyRootMember, lookupProperty, makeBigDecimalFromDouble, makeFqName, makeFqName, makeFqName, maskVersion, mdxEncodeString, needToImplement, newError, newError, newInternal, newInternal, nonDbTimeMillis, normalizeName, parseCommaList, parseConnectString, parseIdentifier, printMemory, printMemory, quoteForMdx, quoteMdxIdentifier, quoteMdxIdentifier, quoteMdxIdentifier, quoteMdxIdentifier, quotePattern, readFully, readURL, readURL, readURL, readURL, replace, replace, replaceProperties, singleQuoteString, singleQuoteString, toMap, toURL, unexpected, union, union, uniquify, unparse, unparse, wildcardToRegexp
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.xom.XOMUtil
addAll, addAll, addChild, addChild, addChildren, addElement, concatenate, createDefaultParser, discard, discard, discard, discard, discard, discard, discard, discard, discard, getFirstInstance, toList, toVector, wrapperToXml
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.xom.XMLUtil
getFirstTagName, printAtt, printAtt, printAtt, printAtt, printPCDATA, printPCDATA, printPCDATA, quoteAtt, quoteAtt, quoteAtt, quoteAtt, quotePCDATA, stringEncodeXML, stringHasXMLSpecials
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static final TupleItemFunDef instance
Method Detail


public Type getResultType(Validator validator,
                          Exp[] args)
Description copied from class: FunDefBase
Returns the type of a call to this function with a given set of arguments.

The default implementation makes the coarse assumption that the return type is in some way related to the type of the first argument. Operators whose arguments don't follow the requirements of this implementation should override this method.

If the function definition says it returns a literal type (numeric, string, symbol) then it's a fair guess that the function call returns the same kind of value.

If the function definition says it returns an object type (cube, dimension, hierarchy, level, member) then we check the first argument of the function. Suppose that the function definition says that it returns a hierarchy, and the first argument of the function happens to be a member. Then it's reasonable to assume that this function returns a member.

getResultType in class FunDefBase
validator - Validator
args - Arguments to the call to this operator
result type of a call this function


public Calc compileCall(ResolvedFunCall call,
                        ExpCompiler compiler)
Description copied from interface: FunDef
Converts a call to this function into executable objects.

The result must implement the appropriate interface for the result type. For example, a function which returns an integer must return an object which implements IntegerCalc.

Specified by:
compileCall in interface FunDef
compileCall in class FunDefBase
