Package mondrian.calc.impl

Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.


Class Summary
AbstractBooleanCalc Abstract implementation of the BooleanCalc interface.
AbstractCalc Abstract implementation of the Calc interface.
AbstractDateTimeCalc Abstract implementation of the DateTimeCalc interface.
AbstractDimensionCalc Abstract implementation of the DimensionCalc interface.
AbstractDoubleCalc Abstract implementation of the DoubleCalc interface.
AbstractExpCompiler Abstract implementation of the ExpCompiler interface.
AbstractHierarchyCalc Abstract implementation of the HierarchyCalc interface.
AbstractIntegerCalc Abstract implementation of the IntegerCalc interface.
AbstractIterCalc Abstract implementation of the IterCalc interface.
AbstractLevelCalc Abstract implementation of the LevelCalc interface.
AbstractListCalc Abstract implementation of the ListCalc interface.
AbstractMemberCalc Abstract implementation of the MemberCalc interface.
AbstractMemberListCalc Abstract implementation of the ListCalc interface for expressions that return a list of members but never a list of tuples.
AbstractStringCalc Abstract implementation of the StringCalc interface.
AbstractTupleCalc Abstract implementation of the TupleCalc interface.
AbstractVoidCalc Abstract implementation of the VoidCalc interface.
BetterExpCompiler Enhanced expression compiler.
CacheCalc Calculation which retrieves the value of an underlying calculation from cache.
ConstantCalc Calculator which always returns the same value.
DelegatingExpCompiler Abstract implementation of ExpCompiler
DimensionCurrentMemberCalc Expression which returns the current member of a given dimension.
GenericCalc Adapter which computes an expression and converts it to any required type.
MemberValueCalc Expression which evaluates a few member expressions, sets the dimensional context to the result of those expressions, then yields the value of the current measure in the current dimensional context.
TupleValueCalc Expression which evaluates a tuple expression, sets the dimensional context to the result of that expression, then yields the value of the current measure in the current dimensional context.
ValueCalc Expression which yields the value of the current member in the current dimensional context.

Package mondrian.calc.impl Description

Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.

