Class AbstractCalc

  extended by mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractCalc
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractBooleanCalc, AbstractDateTimeCalc, AbstractDimensionCalc, AbstractDoubleCalc, AbstractHierarchyCalc, AbstractIntegerCalc, AbstractIterCalc, AbstractLevelCalc, AbstractListCalc, AbstractMemberCalc, AbstractMemberListCalc, AbstractStringCalc, AbstractTupleCalc, GenericCalc

public abstract class AbstractCalc
extends Object
implements Calc

Abstract implementation of the Calc interface.

Sep 27, 2005

Field Summary
protected  Exp exp
protected  Type type
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractCalc(Exp exp)
Method Summary
 void accept(CalcWriter calcWriter)
          Prints this expression, by accepting a visiting CalcWriter.
static boolean anyDepends(Calc[] calcs, Dimension dimension)
          Returns true if one of the calcs depends on the given dimension.
static boolean anyDependsButFirst(Calc[] calcs, Dimension dimension)
          Returns true if calc[0] depends on dimension, else false if calc[0] returns dimension, else true if any of the other calcs depend on dimension.
static boolean butDepends(Calc[] calcs, Dimension dimension)
          Returns true if any of the calcs depend on dimension, else false if any of the calcs return dimension, else true.
 boolean dependsOn(Dimension dimension)
          Returns whether this expression depends upon a given dimension.
 List<Object> getArguments()
          Returns any other arguments to this calc.
abstract  Calc[] getCalcs()
          Returns this expression's child expressions.
protected  String getName()
          Returns the name of this expression type, used when serializing an expression to a string.
 ResultStyle getResultStyle()
          Returns style in which the result of evaluating this expression is returned.
 Type getType()
          Returns the type of this expression.
static Evaluator simplifyEvaluator(Calc calc, Evaluator evaluator)
          Returns a simplified evalator whose context is the same for every dimension which an expression depends on, and the default member for every dimension which it does not depend on.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface mondrian.calc.Calc

Field Detail


protected final Type type


protected final Exp exp
Constructor Detail


protected AbstractCalc(Exp exp)
Method Detail


public Type getType()
Description copied from interface: Calc
Returns the type of this expression.

Specified by:
getType in interface Calc


public void accept(CalcWriter calcWriter)
Description copied from interface: Calc
Prints this expression, by accepting a visiting CalcWriter.

Specified by:
accept in interface Calc
calcWriter - Writer


protected String getName()
Returns the name of this expression type, used when serializing an expression to a string.

The default implementation tries to extract a name from a function call, if any, then prints the last part of the class name.


public abstract Calc[] getCalcs()
Returns this expression's child expressions.


public boolean dependsOn(Dimension dimension)
Description copied from interface: Calc
Returns whether this expression depends upon a given dimension.

If it does not depend on the dimension, then re-evaluating the expression with a different member of this context must produce the same answer.

Some examples:

Specified by:
dependsOn in interface Calc
dimension - Dimension
Whether this expression's result depends upon the current member of the dimension


public static boolean anyDepends(Calc[] calcs,
                                 Dimension dimension)
Returns true if one of the calcs depends on the given dimension.


public static boolean anyDependsButFirst(Calc[] calcs,
                                         Dimension dimension)
Returns true if calc[0] depends on dimension, else false if calc[0] returns dimension, else true if any of the other calcs depend on dimension.

Typical application: Aggregate({Set}, {Value Expression}) depends upon everything {Value Expression} depends upon, except the dimensions of {Set}.


public static boolean butDepends(Calc[] calcs,
                                 Dimension dimension)
Returns true if any of the calcs depend on dimension, else false if any of the calcs return dimension, else true.


public List<Object> getArguments()
Returns any other arguments to this calc. The default implementation returns the empty list.


public static Evaluator simplifyEvaluator(Calc calc,
                                          Evaluator evaluator)
Returns a simplified evalator whose context is the same for every dimension which an expression depends on, and the default member for every dimension which it does not depend on.

The default member is often the 'all' member, so this evaluator is usually the most efficient context in which to evaluate the expression.

calc -
evaluator -


public ResultStyle getResultStyle()
Description copied from interface: Calc
Returns style in which the result of evaluating this expression is returned.

One application of this method is for the compiler to figure out whether the compiled expression is returning a mutable list. If a mutable list is required, the compiler can create a mutable copy.

Specified by:
getResultStyle in interface Calc
See Also:
ExpCompiler.compileList(mondrian.olap.Exp, boolean)
