Package mondrian.spi.impl

Provides implementations of SPIs defined in the mondrian.spi package.


Class Summary
CatalogLocatorImpl CatalogLocator which returns the catalog URI unchanged.
DataSourceChangeListenerImpl Default implementation of a data source change listener that always returns that the datasource is unchanged.
DataSourceChangeListenerImpl2 Default implementation of a data source change listener that always returns that the datasource is changed.
DataSourceChangeListenerImpl3 Default implementation of a data source change listener that always returns that the datasource is changed.
DataSourceChangeListenerImpl4 Default implementation of a data source change listener that always returns that the datasource is changed.
FilterDynamicSchemaProcessor Implementation of DynamicSchemaProcessor which allows a derived class to easily process a schema file.
ServletContextCatalogLocator Locates a catalog based upon a ServletContext.

If the catalog URI is an absolute path, it refers to a resource inside our WAR file, so replace the URL.


Package mondrian.spi.impl Description

Provides implementations of SPIs defined in the mondrian.spi package.

