001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/rolap/MemberSource.java#11 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc.
007    // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Julian Hyde and others
008    // All Rights Reserved.
009    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
010    //
011    // jhyde, 21 December, 2001
012    */
014    package mondrian.rolap;
016    import java.util.List;
018    import mondrian.olap.Id;
020    /**
021     * A <code>MemberSource</code> has the basic operations to read the members of a
022     * {@link RolapHierarchy hierarchy}.
023     *
024     * <p>A <code>MemberSource</code> may optionally support writeback to a
025     * {@link MemberCache}. During the initialization of a
026     * <code>MemberSource</code>, the consumer calls {@link #setCache}; the return
027     * value indicates whether the <code>MemberSource</code> supports
028     * cache-writeback.
029     *
030     * <p>A <dfn>custom member reader</dfn> is a user-defined class which implements
031     * the operations to retrieve members. It either implements the
032     * <code>MemberSource</code> interface, or the derived interface
033     * {@link MemberReader}, which has more operations. In addition to the interface
034     * methods, the class must have a constructor which takes parameters
035     * <code>({@link RolapHierarchy}, {@link java.util.Properties})</code> and
036     * throws no exceptions. To declare a hierarchy based upon the class, use the
037     * <code>memberReaderClass</code> attribute of the
038     * <code>&lt;Hierarchy&gt;</code> element in your XML schema file; the
039     * <code>properties</code> constructor parameter is populated from any
040     * <ocde>&lt;Param name="..." value="..."&gt;</code> child elements.
041     *
042     * @see MemberReader
043     * @see MemberCache
044     *
045     * @author jhyde
046     * @since 21 December, 2001
047     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/rolap/MemberSource.java#11 $
048     */
049    public interface MemberSource {
050        /**
051         * Returns the hierarchy that this source is reading for.
052         */
053        RolapHierarchy getHierarchy();
054        /**
055         * Sets the cache which this <code>MemberSource</code> will write to.
056         *
057         * <p>Cache-writeback is optional (for example, {@link SqlMemberSource}
058         * supports it, and {@link ArrayMemberSource} does not), and the return
059         * value from this method indicates whether this object supports it.
060         *
061         * <p>If this method returns <code>true</code>, the {@link #getMembers},
062         * {@link #getRootMembers} and {@link #getMemberChildren} methods must
063         * write to the cache, in addition to returning members as a return value.
064         *
065         * @param cache The <code>MemberCache</code> which the caller would like
066         *   this <code>MemberSource</code> to write to.
067         * @return Whether this <code>MemberSource</code> supports cache-writeback.
068         */
069        boolean setCache(MemberCache cache);
070        /**
071         * Returns all members of this hierarchy, sorted by ordinal.
072         *
073         * <p>If this object {@link #setCache supports cache-writeaback}, also
074         * writes these members to the cache.
075         */
076        List<RolapMember> getMembers();
077        /**
078         * Returns all members of this hierarchy which do not have a parent,
079         * sorted by ordinal.
080         *
081         * <p>If this object {@link #setCache supports cache-writeback}, also
082         * writes these members to the cache.
083         *
084         * @return {@link List} of {@link RolapMember}s
085         */
086        List<RolapMember> getRootMembers();
088        /**
089         * Writes all children <code>parentMember</code> to <code>children</code>.
090         *
091         * <p>If this object {@link #setCache supports cache-writeback}, also
092         * writes these members to the cache.
093         */
094        void getMemberChildren(
095            RolapMember parentMember,
096            List<RolapMember> children);
098        /**
099         * Returns all members which are a child of one of the members in
100         * <code>parentMembers</code>, sorted by ordinal.
101         *
102         * <p>If this object {@link #setCache supports cache-writeaback}, also
103         * writes these members to the cache.
104         */
105        void getMemberChildren(
106            List<RolapMember> parentMembers,
107            List<RolapMember> children);
109        /**
110         * Returns an estimate of number of members in this hierarchy.
111         */
112        int getMemberCount();
114        /**
115         * Finds a member based upon its unique name.
116         */
117        RolapMember lookupMember(
118            List<Id.Segment> uniqueNameParts,
119            boolean failIfNotFound);
120    }
122    // End MemberSource.java