001    /*
002    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
003    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
004    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
005    // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 TONBELLER AG
006    // Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Julian Hyde and others
007    // All Rights Reserved.
008    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
009    */
010    package mondrian.rolap;
012    import mondrian.olap.*;
013    import mondrian.olap.fun.FunUtil;
014    import mondrian.rolap.sql.SqlQuery;
015    import mondrian.rolap.sql.TupleConstraint;
016    import mondrian.util.*;
018    import java.sql.ResultSet;
019    import java.sql.SQLException;
020    import java.util.*;
021    import javax.sql.DataSource;
023    /**
024     * Reads the members of a single level (level.members) or of multiple levels
025     * (crossjoin).
026     *
027     * @author luis f. canals
028     * @since Dec, 2007
029     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/rolap/HighCardSqlTupleReader.java#5 $
030     */
031    public class HighCardSqlTupleReader extends SqlTupleReader {
032        private ResultLoader resultLoader;
033        private boolean moreRows;
035        private final List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
036        int maxRows = 0;
038        public HighCardSqlTupleReader(final TupleConstraint constraint) {
039            super(constraint);
040        }
042        public void addLevelMembers(
043            final RolapLevel level,
044            final MemberBuilder memberBuilder,
045            final List<RolapMember> srcMembers)
046        {
047            targets.add(
048                new Target(level, memberBuilder, srcMembers, constraint, this));
049        }
051        public Object getCacheKey() {
052            List<Object> key = new ArrayList<Object>();
053            key.add(constraint.getCacheKey());
054            key.add(SqlTupleReader.class);
055            for (Target target : targets) {
056                // don't include the level in the key if the target isn't
057                // processed through native sql
058                if (target.getSrcMembers() != null) {
059                    key.add(target.getLevel());
060                }
061            }
062            return key;
063        }
065        /**
066         * @return number of targets that contain enumerated sets with calculated
067         * members
068         */
069        public int getEnumTargetCount() {
070            int enumTargetCount = 0;
071            for (Target target : targets) {
072                if (target.getSrcMembers() != null) {
073                    enumTargetCount++;
074                }
075            }
076            return enumTargetCount;
077        }
079        protected void prepareTuples(
080            final DataSource dataSource,
081            final List<List<RolapMember>> partialResult,
082            final List<List<RolapMember>> newPartialResult)
083        {
084            String message = "Populating member cache with members for " + targets;
085            SqlStatement stmt = null;
086            final ResultSet resultSet;
087            boolean execQuery = (partialResult == null);
088            try {
089                if (execQuery) {
090                    // we're only reading tuples from the targets that are
091                    // non-enum targets
092                    List<Target> partialTargets = new ArrayList<Target>();
093                    for (Target target : targets) {
094                        if (target.getSrcMembers() == null) {
095                            partialTargets.add(target);
096                        }
097                    }
098                    String sql = makeLevelMembersSql(dataSource);
099                    stmt = RolapUtil.executeQuery(dataSource, sql, maxRows,
100                            "HighCardSqlTupleReader.readTuples " + partialTargets,
101                            message, -1, -1);
102                    resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();
103                } else {
104                    resultSet = null;
105                }
107                for (Target target : targets) {
108                    target.open();
109                }
111                // determine how many enum targets we have
112                int enumTargetCount = getEnumTargetCount();
113                int[] srcMemberIdxes = null;
114                if (enumTargetCount > 0) {
115                    srcMemberIdxes = new int[enumTargetCount];
116                }
118                int currPartialResultIdx = 0;
119                if (execQuery) {
120                    this.moreRows = resultSet.next();
121                    if (this.moreRows) {
122                        ++stmt.rowCount;
123                    }
124                } else {
125                    this.moreRows = currPartialResultIdx < partialResult.size();
126                }
128                this.resultLoader = new ResultLoader(enumTargetCount,
129                        targets, stmt, resultSet, execQuery, partialResult,
130                        newPartialResult);
132                // Read first and second elements if exists (or marks
133                // source as having "no more rows")
134                readNextTuple();
135                readNextTuple();
136            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
137                if (stmt != null) {
138                    stmt.handle(sqle);
139                } else {
140                    throw Util.newError(sqle, message);
141                }
142            }
143        }
145        public List<RolapMember> readMembers(
146            final DataSource dataSource,
147            final List<List<RolapMember>> partialResult,
148            final List<List<RolapMember>> newPartialResult)
149        {
150            prepareTuples(dataSource, partialResult, newPartialResult);
151            assert targets.size() == 1;
152            return targets.get(0).close();
153        }
155        public List<RolapMember[]> readTuples(
156            final DataSource jdbcConnection,
157            final List<List<RolapMember>> partialResult,
158            final List<List<RolapMember>> newPartialResult)
159        {
160            prepareTuples(jdbcConnection, partialResult, newPartialResult);
162            // List of tuples
163            final int n = targets.size();
164            final List<RolapMember>[] lists = new List[n];
165            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
166                lists[i] = targets.get(i).close();
167            }
169            final List<RolapMember[]> tupleList =
170                new TraversalList<RolapMember>(lists, RolapMember.class);
172            // need to hierarchize the columns from the enumerated targets
173            // since we didn't necessarily add them in the order in which
174            // they originally appeared in the cross product
175            int enumTargetCount = getEnumTargetCount();
176            if (enumTargetCount > 0) {
177                FunUtil.hierarchize(tupleList, false);
178            }
179            return tupleList;
180        }
182        /**
183         * Avoids loading of more results.
184         */
185        public void noMoreRows() {
186            this.moreRows = false;
187        }
189        /**
190         * Reads next tuple notifing all internal targets.
191         *
192         * @return whether there are any more rows
193         */
194        public boolean readNextTuple() {
195            if (!this.moreRows) {
196                return false;
197            }
198            try {
199                this.moreRows = this.resultLoader.loadResult();
200            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
201                this.resultLoader.handle(sqle);
202                this.moreRows = false;
203            }
204            if (!this.moreRows) {
205                this.resultLoader.close();
206            }
207            return this.moreRows;
208        }
210        public void setMaxRows(int maxRows) {
211            this.maxRows = maxRows;
212        }
214        public int getMaxRows() {
215            return maxRows;
216        }
218        //
219        // Private stuff ------------------------------------------
220        //
222        private String makeLevelMembersSql(DataSource dataSource) {
223            // In the case of a virtual cube, if we need to join to the fact
224            // table, we do not necessarily have a single underlying fact table,
225            // as the underlying base cubes in the virtual cube may all reference
226            // different fact tables.
227            //
228            // Therefore, we need to gather the underlying fact tables by going
229            // through the list of measures referenced in the query.  And then
230            // we generate one sub-select per fact table, joining against each
231            // underlying fact table, unioning the sub-selects.
232            RolapCube cube = null;
233            boolean virtualCube = false;
234            if (constraint instanceof SqlContextConstraint) {
235                SqlContextConstraint sqlConstraint =
236                    (SqlContextConstraint) constraint;
237                if (sqlConstraint.isJoinRequired()) {
238                    Query query = constraint.getEvaluator().getQuery();
239                    cube = (RolapCube) query.getCube();
240                    virtualCube = cube.isVirtual();
241                }
242            }
244            if (virtualCube) {
245                final StringBuffer selectString = new StringBuffer();
246                final Query query = constraint.getEvaluator().getQuery();
247                final List<RolapCube> baseCubes = query.getBaseCubes();
249                int k = -1;
250                for (RolapCube baseCube : baseCubes) {
251                    boolean finalSelect = (++k == baseCubes.size() - 1);
252                    WhichSelect whichSelect =
253                        finalSelect ? WhichSelect.LAST : WhichSelect.NOT_LAST;
254                    selectString.append(
255                        generateSelectForLevels(dataSource, baseCube, whichSelect));
256                    if (!finalSelect) {
257                        selectString.append(" union ");
258                    }
259                }
260                return selectString.toString();
261            } else {
262                return generateSelectForLevels(dataSource, cube, WhichSelect.ONLY);
263            }
264        }
266        /**
267         * Generates the SQL string corresponding to the levels referenced.
268         *
269         * @param dataSource jdbc connection that they query will execute
270         * against
271         * @param baseCube this is the cube object for regular cubes, and the
272         *   underlying base cube for virtual cubes
273         * @param whichSelect Position of this select statement in a union
274         * @return SQL statement string
275         */
276        private String generateSelectForLevels(
277            DataSource dataSource,
278            RolapCube baseCube,
279            WhichSelect whichSelect) {
281            String s = "while generating query to retrieve members of level(s) "
282                    + targets;
283            SqlQuery sqlQuery = SqlQuery.newQuery(dataSource, s);
285            for (Target target : targets) {
286                if (target.getSrcMembers() == null) {
287                    addLevelMemberSql(
288                        sqlQuery,
289                        target.getLevel(),
290                        baseCube,
291                        whichSelect);
292                }
293            }
295            // additional constraints
296            constraint.addConstraint(sqlQuery, baseCube);
298            return sqlQuery.toString();
299        }
301        /**
302         * Generates the SQL statement to access members of <code>level</code>. For
303         * example, <blockquote>
304         * <pre>SELECT "country", "state_province", "city"
305         * FROM "customer"
306         * GROUP BY "country", "state_province", "city", "init", "bar"
307         * ORDER BY "country", "state_province", "city"</pre>
308         * </blockquote> accesses the "City" level of the "Customers"
309         * hierarchy. Note that:<ul>
310         *
311         * <li><code>"country", "state_province"</code> are the parent keys;</li>
312         *
313         * <li><code>"city"</code> is the level key;</li>
314         *
315         * <li><code>"init", "bar"</code> are member properties.</li>
316         * </ul>
317         *
318         * @param sqlQuery the query object being constructed
319         * @param level level to be added to the sql query
320         * @param baseCube this is the cube object for regular cubes, and the
321         *   underlying base cube for virtual cubes
322         * @param whichSelect describes whether this select belongs to a larger
323         * select containing unions or this is a non-union select
324         */
325        private void addLevelMemberSql(
326            SqlQuery sqlQuery,
327            RolapLevel level,
328            RolapCube baseCube,
329            WhichSelect whichSelect)
330        {
331            RolapHierarchy hierarchy = level.getHierarchy();
333            // lookup RolapHierarchy of base cube that matches this hierarchy
334            if (hierarchy instanceof RolapCubeHierarchy) {
335                RolapCubeHierarchy cubeHierarchy = (RolapCubeHierarchy)hierarchy;
336                if (baseCube != null
337                    && !cubeHierarchy.getDimension().getCube().equals(baseCube)) {
338                    hierarchy = baseCube.findBaseCubeHierarchy(hierarchy);
339                }
340            }
342            RolapLevel[] levels = (RolapLevel[]) hierarchy.getLevels();
343            int levelDepth = level.getDepth();
344            for (int i = 0; i <= levelDepth; i++) {
345                RolapLevel currLevel = levels[i];
346                if (currLevel.isAll()) {
347                    continue;
348                }
350                MondrianDef.Expression keyExp = currLevel.getKeyExp();
351                MondrianDef.Expression ordinalExp = currLevel.getOrdinalExp();
352                MondrianDef.Expression captionExp = currLevel.getCaptionExp();
354                String keySql = keyExp.getExpression(sqlQuery);
355                String ordinalSql = ordinalExp.getExpression(sqlQuery);
357                hierarchy.addToFrom(sqlQuery, keyExp);
358                hierarchy.addToFrom(sqlQuery, ordinalExp);
360                String captionSql = null;
361                if (captionExp != null) {
362                    captionSql = captionExp.getExpression(sqlQuery);
363                    hierarchy.addToFrom(sqlQuery, captionExp);
364                }
366                sqlQuery.addSelect(keySql);
367                sqlQuery.addGroupBy(keySql);
369                if (!ordinalSql.equals(keySql)) {
370                    sqlQuery.addSelect(ordinalSql);
371                    sqlQuery.addGroupBy(ordinalSql);
372                }
374                if (captionSql != null) {
375                    sqlQuery.addSelect(captionSql);
376                    sqlQuery.addGroupBy(captionSql);
377                }
379                constraint.addLevelConstraint(sqlQuery, baseCube, null, currLevel);
381                // If this is a select on a virtual cube, the query will be
382                // a union, so the order by columns need to be numbers,
383                // not column name strings or expressions.
384                switch (whichSelect) {
385                case LAST:
386                    sqlQuery.addOrderBy(
387                        Integer.toString(
388                            sqlQuery.getCurrentSelectListSize()),
389                            true, false, true);
390                    break;
391                case ONLY:
392                    sqlQuery.addOrderBy(ordinalSql, true, false, true);
393                    break;
394                }
396                RolapProperty[] properties = currLevel.getProperties();
397                for (RolapProperty property : properties) {
398                    String propSql = property.getExp().getExpression(sqlQuery);
399                    sqlQuery.addSelect(propSql);
400                    sqlQuery.addGroupBy(propSql);
401                }
402            }
403        }
405        /**
406         * Description of the position of a SELECT statement in a UNION. Queries
407         * on virtual cubes tend to generate unions.
408         */
409        enum WhichSelect {
410            /**
411             * Select statement does not belong to a union.
412             */
413            ONLY,
414            /**
415             * Select statement belongs to a UNION, but is not the last. Typically
416             * this occurs when querying a virtual cube.
417             */
418            NOT_LAST,
419            /**
420             * Select statement is the last in a UNION. Typically
421             * this occurs when querying a virtual cube.
422             */
423            LAST
424        }
425    }
427    // End HighCardSqlTupleReader.java