001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/rolap/BitKey.java#15 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc.
007    // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Julian Hyde and others
008    // All Rights Reserved.
009    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
010    //
011    // jhyde, 30 August, 2001
012    */
014    package mondrian.rolap;
016    import java.util.BitSet;
017    import java.util.Iterator;
019    /**
020     * Represents a set of bits.
021     *
022     * <p>Unlike {@link java.util.BitSet}, the number of bits cannot be changed
023     * after the BitKey is created. This allows us to optimize.
024     *
025     * <p>If you have a collection of immutable objects, each of which has a unique
026     * positive number and you wish to do comparisons between subsets of those
027     * objects testing for equality, then encoding the subsets as BitKeys is very
028     * efficient.
029     *
030     * <p>There are two implementations that target groups of objects with maximum
031     * number less than 64 and less than 128; and there is one implements that is
032     * general for any positive number.
033     *
034     * <p>One caution: if the maximum number assigned to one of the
035     * objects is large, then this representation might be sparse and therefore
036     * not efficient.
037     *
038     * @author Richard M. Emberson
039     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/rolap/BitKey.java#15 $
040     */
041    public interface BitKey extends Comparable<BitKey>, Iterable<Integer> {
043        /**
044         * Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.
045         */
046        void set(int bitIndex, boolean value);
048        /**
049         * Sets the bit at the specified index to <code>true</code>.
050         */
051        void set(int bitIndex);
053        /**
054         * Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value
055         * is <code>true</code> if the bit with the index <code>bitIndex</code>
056         * is currently set in this <code>BitKey</code>; otherwise, the result
057         * is <code>false</code>.
058         */
059        boolean get(int bitIndex);
061        /**
062         * Sets the bit specified by the index to <code>false</code>.
063         */
064        void clear(int bitIndex);
066        /**
067         * Sets all of the bits in this BitKey to <code>false</code>.
068         */
069        void clear();
071        /**
072         * Is every bit set in the parameter <code>bitKey</code> also set in
073         * <code>this</code>.
074         * If one switches <code>this</code> with the parameter <code>bitKey</code>
075         * one gets the equivalent of isSubSetOf.
076         *
077         * @param bitKey
078         */
079        boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey);
081        /**
082         * Or the parameter <code>BitKey</code> with <code>this</code>.
083         *
084         * @param bitKey
085         */
086        BitKey or(BitKey bitKey);
088        /**
089         * Returns the boolean AND of this bitkey and the given bitkey.
090         */
091        BitKey and(BitKey bitKey);
093        /**
094         * Returns a <code>BitKey</code> containing all of the bits in this
095         * <code>BitSet</code> whose corresponding
096         * bit is NOT set in the specified <code>BitSet</code>.
097         */
098        BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey);
100        /**
101         * Returns a copy of this BitKey.
102         *
103         * @return copy of BitKey
104         */
105        BitKey copy();
107        /**
108         * Returns an empty BitKey of the same type. This is the same
109         * as calling {@link #copy} followed by {@link #clear()}.
110         *
111         * @return BitKey of same type
112         */
113        BitKey emptyCopy();
115        /**
116         * Returns true if this <code>BitKey</code> contains no bits that are set
117         * to <code>true</code>.
118         */
119        boolean isEmpty();
121        /**
122         * Returns whether this BitKey has any bits in common with a given BitKey.
123         */
124        boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey);
126        /**
127         * Returns a {@link BitSet} with the same contents as this BitKey.
128         */
129        BitSet toBitSet();
131        /**
132         * An Iterator over the bit positions.
133         * For example, if the BitKey had positions 3 and 4 set, then
134         * the Iterator would return the values 3 and then 4. The bit
135         * positions returned by the iterator are in the order, from
136         * smallest to largest, as they are set in the BitKey.
137         */
138        Iterator<Integer> iterator();
140        public abstract class Factory {
142            /**
143             * Creates a {@link BitKey} with a capacity for a given number of bits.
144             * @param size Number of bits in key
145             */
146            public static BitKey makeBitKey(int size) {
147                if (size < 0) {
148                    String msg = "Negative size \"" + size + "\" not allowed";
149                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
150                }
151                if (size < 64) {
152                    return new BitKey.Small();
153                } else if (size < 128) {
154                    return new BitKey.Mid128();
155                } else {
156                    return new BitKey.Big(size);
157                }
158    /*
159                switch (AbstractBitKey.chunkCount(size)) {
160                case 0:
161                case 1:
162                    return new BitKey.Small();
163                case 2:
164                    return new BitKey.Mid128();
165                default:
166                    return new BitKey.Big(size);
167                }
168    */
169            }
171            /**
172             * Creates a {@link BitKey} with the same contents as a {@link BitSet}.
173             */
174            public static BitKey makeBitKey(BitSet bitSet) {
175                BitKey bitKey = makeBitKey(bitSet.length());
176                for (int i = bitSet.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bitSet.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
177                    bitKey.set(i);
178                }
179                return bitKey;
180            }
181        }
183        /**
184         * Abstract implementation of {@link BitKey}.
185         */
186        abstract class AbstractBitKey implements BitKey {
187            protected AbstractBitKey() {
188            }
190            // chunk is a long, which has 64 bits
191            protected static final int ChunkBitCount = 6;
192            protected static final int Mask = 63;
194            /**
195             * Creates a chunk containing a single bit.
196             */
197            protected static long bit(int pos) {
198                return (1L << (pos & Mask));
199            }
201            /**
202             * Returns which chunk a given bit falls into.
203             * Bits 0 to 63 fall in chunk 0, bits 64 to 127 fall into chunk 1.
204             */
205            protected static int chunkPos(int size) {
206                return (size >> ChunkBitCount);
207            }
209            /**
210             * Returns the number of chunks required for a given number of bits.
211             *
212             * <p>0 bits requires 0 chunks; 1 - 64 bits requires 1 chunk; etc.
213             */
214            protected static int chunkCount(int size) {
215                return (size + 63) >> ChunkBitCount;
216            }
218            public final void set(int pos, boolean value) {
219                if (value) {
220                    set(pos);
221                } else {
222                    clear(pos);
223                }
224            }
226            protected static void copyFromByte(BitSet bitSet, int pos, byte x)
227            {
228                if (x == 0) {
229                    return;
230                }
231                if ((x & 0x01) != 0) {
232                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
233                }
234                ++pos;
235                if ((x & 0x02) != 0) {
236                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
237                }
238                ++pos;
239                if ((x & 0x04) != 0) {
240                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
241                }
242                ++pos;
243                if ((x & 0x08) != 0) {
244                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
245                }
246                ++pos;
247                if ((x & 0x10) != 0) {
248                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
249                }
250                ++pos;
251                if ((x & 0x20) != 0) {
252                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
253                }
254                ++pos;
255                if ((x & 0x40) != 0) {
256                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
257                }
258                ++pos;
259                if ((x & 0x80) != 0) {
260                    bitSet.set(pos, true);
261                }
262            }
264            protected static void copyFromLong(
265                    final BitSet bitSet,
266                    int pos,
267                    long x) {
268                while (x != 0) {
269                    copyFromByte(bitSet, pos, (byte) (x & 0xff));
270                    x >>>= 8;
271                    pos += 8;
272                }
273            }
275            protected IllegalArgumentException createException(BitKey bitKey) {
276                final String msg = (bitKey == null)
277                    ? "Null BitKey"
278                    : "Bad BitKey type: " + bitKey.getClass().getName();
279                return new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
280            }
281        }
283        /**
284         * Implementation of {@link BitKey} for bit counts less than 64.
285         */
286        public class Small extends AbstractBitKey {
287            private long bits;
289            private Small() {
290            }
291            private Small(long bits) {
292                this.bits = bits;
293            }
294            public void set(int pos) {
295                if (pos < 64) {
296                    bits |= bit(pos);
297                } else {
298                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("pos " + pos + " exceeds capacity 64");
299                }
300            }
301            public boolean get(int pos) {
302                return pos < 64 && ((bits & bit(pos)) != 0);
303            }
304            public void clear(int pos) {
305                bits &= ~bit(pos);
306            }
307            public void clear() {
308                bits = 0;
309            }
310            private void or(long bits) {
311                this.bits |= bits;
312            }
314            private void and(long bits) {
315                this.bits &= bits;
316            }
318            public BitKey or(BitKey bitKey) {
319                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
320                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
321                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
322                    bk.or(other.bits);
323                    return bk;
325                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
326                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
327                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) other.copy();
328                    bk.or(this.bits, 0);
329                    return bk;
331                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
332                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
333                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) other.copy();
334                    bk.or(this.bits);
335                    return bk;
336                }
338                throw createException(bitKey);
339            }
341            public BitKey and(BitKey bitKey) {
342                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
343                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
344                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
345                    bk.and(other.bits);
346                    return bk;
348                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
349                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
350                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
351                    bk.and(other.bits0);
352                    return bk;
354                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
355                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
356                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
357                    bk.and(other.bits[0]);
358                    return bk;
359                }
361                throw createException(bitKey);
362            }
364            public BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey) {
365                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
366                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
367                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
368                    bk.andNot(other.bits);
369                    return bk;
371                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
372                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
373                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
374                    bk.andNot(other.bits0);
375                    return bk;
377                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
378                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
379                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) copy();
380                    bk.andNot(other.bits[0]);
381                    return bk;
382                }
384                throw createException(bitKey);
385            }
387            private void andNot(long bits) {
388                this.bits &= ~bits;
389            }
391            public boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey) {
392                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
393                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
394                    return ((this.bits | other.bits) == this.bits);
396                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
397                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
398                    return ((this.bits | other.bits0) == this.bits) &&
399                        (other.bits1 == 0);
401                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
402                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
403                    if ((this.bits | other.bits[0]) != this.bits) {
404                        return false;
405                    } else {
406                        for (int i = 1; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
407                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
408                                return false;
409                            }
410                        }
411                        return true;
412                    }
413                }
414                return false;
415            }
417            public boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey) {
418                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
419                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
420                    return (this.bits & other.bits) != 0;
422                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
423                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
424                    return (this.bits & other.bits0) != 0;
426                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
427                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
428                    return (this.bits & other.bits[0]) != 0;
429                }
430                return false;
431            }
433            public BitSet toBitSet() {
434                final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(64);
435                long x = bits;
436                int pos = 0;
437                while (x != 0) {
438                    copyFromByte(bitSet, pos, (byte) (x & 0xff));
439                    x >>>= 8;
440                    pos += 8;
441                }
442                return bitSet;
443            }
445            /**
446             * To say that I am happy about this algorithm (or the variations
447             * of the algorithm used for the Mid128 and Big BitKey implementations)
448             * would be a stretch. It works but there has to be a more
449             * elegant and faster one but this is the best I could come up
450             * with in a couple of hours.
451             *
452             */
453            public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
454                return new Iterator<Integer>() {
455                    int pos = -1;
456                    long bits = Small.this.bits;
457                    public boolean hasNext() {
458                        if (bits == 0) {
459                            return false;
460                        }
461                        // This is a special case
462                        // Long.MIN_VALUE == -9223372036854775808
463                        if (bits == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
464                            pos = 63;
465                            bits = 0;
466                            return true;
467                        }
468                        long b = (bits&-bits);
469                        if (b == 0) {
470                            // should never happen
471                            return false;
472                        }
473                        int delta = 0;
474                        while (b >= 256) {
475                            b = (b >> 8);
476                            delta += 8;
477                        }
478                        int p = bitPositionTable[(int) b];
479                        if (p >= 0) {
480                            p += delta;
481                        } else {
482                            p = delta;
483                        }
484                        if (pos < 0) {
485                            // first time
486                            pos = p;
487                        } else if (p == 0) {
488                            pos++;
489                        } else {
490                            pos += (p + 1);
491                        }
492                        bits = bits >>> (p + 1);
493                        return true;
494                    }
495                    public Integer next() {
496                        return Integer.valueOf(pos);
497                    }
498                    public void remove() {
499                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
500                    }
501                };
502            }
504            public boolean equals(Object o) {
505                if (this == o) {
506                    return true;
507                }
508                if (o instanceof BitKey.Small) {
509                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) o;
510                    return (this.bits == other.bits);
512                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
513                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) o;
514                    return (this.bits == other.bits0) && (other.bits1 == 0);
516                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Big) {
517                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) o;
518                    if (this.bits != other.bits[0]) {
519                        return false;
520                    } else {
521                        for (int i = 1; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
522                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
523                                return false;
524                            }
525                        }
526                        return true;
527                    }
528                }
529                return false;
530            }
531            public int hashCode() {
532                return (int)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
533            }
535            // implement Comparable (in lazy, expensive fashion)
536            public int compareTo(BitKey bitKey) {
537                return toString().compareTo(bitKey.toString());
538            }
540            public String toString() {
541                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64);
542                buf.append("0x");
543                for (int i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
544                    buf.append((get(i)) ? '1' : '0');
545                }
546                return buf.toString();
547            }
548            public BitKey copy() {
549                return new Small(this.bits);
550            }
551            public BitKey emptyCopy() {
552                return new Small();
553            }
555            public boolean isEmpty() {
556                return bits == 0;
557            }
558        }
560        /**
561         * Implementation of {@link BitKey} good for sizes less than 128.
562         */
563        public class Mid128 extends AbstractBitKey {
564            private long bits0;
565            private long bits1;
567            private Mid128() {
568            }
569            private Mid128(Mid128 mid) {
570                this.bits0 = mid.bits0;
571                this.bits1 = mid.bits1;
572            }
574            public void set(int pos) {
575                if (pos < 64) {
576                    bits0 |= bit(pos);
577                } else if (pos < 128) {
578                    bits1 |= bit(pos);
579                } else {
580                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("pos " + pos + " exceeds capacity 128");
581                }
582            }
584            public boolean get(int pos) {
585                if (pos < 64) {
586                    return (bits0 & bit(pos)) != 0;
587                } else if (pos < 128) {
588                    return (bits1 & bit(pos)) != 0;
589                } else {
590                    return false;
591                }
592            }
594            public void clear(int pos) {
595                if (pos < 64) {
596                    bits0 &= ~bit(pos);
597                } else if (pos < 128) {
598                    bits1 &= ~bit(pos);
599                } else {
600                    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
601                            "pos " + pos + " exceeds size " + 128);
602                }
603            }
605            public void clear() {
606                bits0 = 0;
607                bits1 = 0;
608            }
610            private void or(long bits0, long bits1) {
611                this.bits0 |= bits0;
612                this.bits1 |= bits1;
613            }
615            private void and(long bits0, long bits1) {
616                this.bits0 &= bits0;
617                this.bits1 &= bits1;
618            }
620            public BitKey or(BitKey bitKey) {
621                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
622                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
623                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
624                    bk.or(other.bits, 0);
625                    return bk;
627                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
628                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
629                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
630                    bk.or(other.bits0, other.bits1);
631                    return bk;
633                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
634                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
635                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) other.copy();
636                    bk.or(this.bits0, this.bits1);
637                    return bk;
638                }
640                throw createException(bitKey);
641            }
643            public BitKey and(BitKey bitKey) {
644                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
645                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
646                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
647                    bk.and(other.bits, 0);
648                    return bk;
650                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
651                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
652                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
653                    bk.and(other.bits0, other.bits1);
654                    return bk;
656                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
657                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
658                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
659                    bk.and(other.bits[0], other.bits[1]);
660                    return bk;
661                }
663                throw createException(bitKey);
664            }
666            public BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey) {
667                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
668                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
669                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
670                    bk.andNot(other.bits, 0);
671                    return bk;
673                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
674                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
675                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
676                    bk.andNot(other.bits0, other.bits1);
677                    return bk;
679                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
680                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
681                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) copy();
682                    bk.andNot(other.bits[0], other.bits[1]);
683                    return bk;
684                }
686                throw createException(bitKey);
687            }
689            private void andNot(long bits0, long bits1) {
690                this.bits0 &= ~bits0;
691                this.bits1 &= ~bits1;
692            }
694            public boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey) {
695                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
696                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
697                    return ((this.bits0 | other.bits) == this.bits0);
699                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
700                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
701                    return ((this.bits0 | other.bits0) == this.bits0) &&
702                        ((this.bits1 | other.bits1) == this.bits1);
704                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
705                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
706                    if ((this.bits0 | other.bits[0]) != this.bits0) {
707                        return false;
708                    } else if ((this.bits1 | other.bits[1]) != this.bits1) {
709                        return false;
710                    } else {
711                        for (int i = 2; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
712                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
713                                return false;
714                            }
715                        }
716                        return true;
717                    }
718                }
719                return false;
720            }
722            public boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey) {
723                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
724                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
725                    return (this.bits0 & other.bits) != 0;
727                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
728                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
729                    return (this.bits0 & other.bits0) != 0 ||
730                        (this.bits1 & other.bits1) != 0;
732                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
733                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
734                    if ((this.bits0 & other.bits[0]) != 0) {
735                        return true;
736                    } else if ((this.bits1 & other.bits[1]) != 0) {
737                        return true;
738                    } else {
739                        return false;
740                    }
741                }
742                return false;
743            }
745            public BitSet toBitSet() {
746                final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(128);
747                copyFromLong(bitSet, 0, bits0);
748                copyFromLong(bitSet, 64, bits1);
749                return bitSet;
750            }
751            public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
752                return new Iterator<Integer>() {
753                    long bits0 = Mid128.this.bits0;
754                    long bits1 = Mid128.this.bits1;
755                    int pos = -1;
756                    public boolean hasNext() {
757                        if (bits0 != 0) {
758                            if (bits0 == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
759                                pos = 63;
760                                bits0 = 0;
761                                return true;
762                            }
763                            long b = (bits0&-bits0);
764                            int delta = 0;
765                            while (b >= 256) {
766                                b = (b >> 8);
767                                delta += 8;
768                            }
769                            int p = bitPositionTable[(int) b];
770                            if (p >= 0) {
771                                p += delta;
772                            } else {
773                                p = delta;
774                            }
775                            if (pos < 0) {
776                                pos = p;
777                            } else if (p == 0) {
778                                pos++;
779                            } else {
780                                pos += (p + 1);
781                            }
782                            bits0 = bits0 >>> (p + 1);
783                            return true;
784                        } else {
785                            if (pos < 63) {
786                                pos = 63;
787                            }
788                            if (bits1 == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
789                                pos = 127;
790                                bits1 = 0;
791                                return true;
792                            }
793                            long b = (bits1&-bits1);
794                            if (b == 0) {
795                                return false;
796                            }
797                            int delta = 0;
798                            while (b >= 256) {
799                                b = (b >> 8);
800                                delta += 8;
801                            }
802                            int p = bitPositionTable[(int) b];
803                            if (p >= 0) {
804                                p += delta;
805                            } else {
806                                p = delta;
807                            }
808                            if (pos < 0) {
809                                pos = p;
810                            } else if (p == 63) {
811                                pos++;
812                            } else {
813                                pos += (p + 1);
814                            }
815                            bits1 = bits1 >>> (p + 1);
816                            return true;
817                        }
818                    }
819                    public Integer next() {
820                        return Integer.valueOf(pos);
821                    }
822                    public void remove() {
823                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
824                    }
825                };
826            }
828            public boolean equals(Object o) {
829                if (this == o) {
830                    return true;
831                }
832                if (o instanceof BitKey.Small) {
833                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) o;
834                    return (this.bits0 == other.bits) && (this.bits1 == 0);
836                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
837                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) o;
838                    return (this.bits0 == other.bits0) &&
839                        (this.bits1 == other.bits1);
841                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Big) {
842                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) o;
843                    if (this.bits0 != other.bits[0]) {
844                        return false;
845                    } else if (this.bits1 != other.bits[1]) {
846                        return false;
847                    } else {
848                        for (int i = 2; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
849                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
850                                return false;
851                            }
852                        }
853                        return true;
854                    }
855                }
856                return false;
857            }
858            public int hashCode() {
859                long h = 1234;
860                h ^= bits0;
861                h ^= bits1 * 2;
862                return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h);
863            }
864            public String toString() {
865                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64);
866                buf.append("0x");
867                for (int i = 127; i >= 0; i--) {
868                    buf.append((get(i)) ? '1' : '0');
869                }
870                return buf.toString();
871            }
872            public BitKey copy() {
873                return new Mid128(this);
874            }
875            public BitKey emptyCopy() {
876                return new Mid128();
877            }
879            public boolean isEmpty() {
880                return bits0 == 0 &&
881                        bits1 == 0;
882            }
884            // implement Comparable (in lazy, expensive fashion)
885            public int compareTo(BitKey bitKey) {
886                return toString().compareTo(bitKey.toString());
887            }
888        }
890        /**
891         * Implementation of {@link BitKey} with more than 64 bits. Similar to
892         * {@link java.util.BitSet}, but does not require dynamic resizing.
893         */
894        public class Big extends AbstractBitKey {
895            private long[] bits;
897            private Big(int size) {
898                bits = new long[chunkCount(size + 1)];
899            }
900            private Big(Big big) {
901                bits = (long[]) big.bits.clone();
902            }
903            private int size() {
904                return bits.length;
905            }
906            public void set(int pos) {
907                bits[chunkPos(pos)] |= bit(pos);
908            }
910            public boolean get(int pos) {
911                return (bits[chunkPos(pos)] & bit(pos)) != 0;
912            }
913            public void clear(int pos) {
914                bits[chunkPos(pos)] &= ~bit(pos);
915            }
916            public void clear() {
917                for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
918                    bits[i] = 0;
919                }
920            }
921            private void or(long bits0) {
922                this.bits[0] |= bits0;
923            }
924            private void or(long bits0, long bits1) {
925                this.bits[0] |= bits0;
926                this.bits[1] |= bits1;
927            }
928            private void or(long[] bits) {
929                for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
930                    this.bits[i] |= bits[i];
931                }
932            }
933            private void and(long[] bits) {
934                int length = Math.min(bits.length, this.bits.length);
935                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
936                    this.bits[i] &= bits[i];
937                }
938                for (int i = bits.length; i < this.bits.length; i++) {
939                    this.bits[i] = 0;
940                }
941            }
943            public BitKey or(BitKey bitKey) {
944                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
945                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
946                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
947                    bk.or(other.bits);
948                    return bk;
950                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
951                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
952                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
953                    bk.or(other.bits0, other.bits1);
954                    return bk;
956                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
957                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
958                    if (other.size() > size()) {
959                        final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) other.copy();
960                        bk.or(bits);
961                        return bk;
962                    } else {
963                        final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
964                        bk.or(other.bits);
965                        return bk;
966                    }
967                }
969                throw createException(bitKey);
970            }
972            public BitKey and(BitKey bitKey) {
973                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
974                    final BitKey.Small bk = (BitKey.Small) bitKey.copy();
975                    bk.and(bits[0]);
976                    return bk;
978                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
979                    final BitKey.Mid128 bk = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey.copy();
980                    bk.and(bits[0], bits[1]);
981                    return bk;
983                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
984                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
985                    if (other.size() < size()) {
986                        final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) other.copy();
987                        bk.and(bits);
988                        return bk;
989                    } else {
990                        final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
991                        bk.and(other.bits);
992                        return bk;
993                    }
994                }
996                throw createException(bitKey);
997            }
999            public BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey) {
1000                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
1001                    final BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
1002                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
1003                    bk.andNot(other.bits);
1004                    return bk;
1006                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
1007                    final BitKey.Mid128 other = (Mid128) bitKey;
1008                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
1009                    bk.andNot(other.bits0, other.bits1);
1010                    return bk;
1012                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
1013                    final BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
1014                    final BitKey.Big bk = (BitKey.Big) copy();
1015                    bk.andNot(other.bits);
1016                    return bk;
1017                }
1019                throw createException(bitKey);
1020            }
1022            private void andNot(long[] bits) {
1023                for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
1024                    this.bits[i] &= ~bits[i];
1026                }
1027            }
1029            private void andNot(long bits0, long bits1) {
1030                this.bits[0] &= ~bits0;
1031                this.bits[1] &= ~bits1;
1032            }
1034            private void andNot(long bits) {
1035                this.bits[0] &= ~bits;
1036            }
1038            public boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey) {
1039                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
1040                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
1041                    return ((this.bits[0] | other.bits) == this.bits[0]);
1043                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
1044                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
1045                    return ((this.bits[0] | other.bits0) == this.bits[0]) &&
1046                        ((this.bits[1] | other.bits1) == this.bits[1]);
1048                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
1049                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
1051                    int len = Math.min(bits.length, other.bits.length);
1052                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1053                        if ((this.bits[i] | other.bits[i]) != this.bits[i]) {
1054                            return false;
1055                        }
1056                    }
1057                    if (other.bits.length > this.bits.length) {
1058                        for (int i = len; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
1059                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
1060                                return false;
1061                            }
1062                        }
1063                    }
1064                    return true;
1065                }
1066                return false;
1067            }
1069            public boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey) {
1070                if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Small) {
1071                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) bitKey;
1072                    return (this.bits[0] & other.bits) != 0;
1074                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
1075                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) bitKey;
1076                    return (this.bits[0] & other.bits0) != 0 ||
1077                        (this.bits[1] & other.bits1) != 0;
1079                } else if (bitKey instanceof BitKey.Big) {
1080                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) bitKey;
1082                    int len = Math.min(bits.length, other.bits.length);
1083                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1084                        if ((this.bits[i] & other.bits[i]) != 0) {
1085                            return true;
1086                        }
1087                    }
1088                    return false;
1089                }
1090                return false;
1091            }
1093            public BitSet toBitSet() {
1094                final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(64);
1095                int pos = 0;
1096                for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
1097                    copyFromLong(bitSet, pos, bits[i]);
1098                    pos += 64;
1099                }
1100                return bitSet;
1101            }
1102            public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
1103                return new Iterator<Integer>() {
1104                    long[] bits = Big.this.bits.clone();
1105                    int pos = -1;
1106                    int index = 0;
1107                    public boolean hasNext() {
1108                        if (index >= bits.length) {
1109                            return false;
1110                        }
1111                        if (pos < 0) {
1112                            while (bits[index] == 0) {
1113                                index++;
1114                                if (index >= bits.length) {
1115                                    return false;
1116                                }
1117                            }
1118                            pos = (64 * index) - 1;
1119                        }
1120                        long bs = bits[index];
1121                        if (bs == 0) {
1122                            while (bits[index] == 0) {
1123                                index++;
1124                                if (index >= bits.length) {
1125                                    return false;
1126                                }
1127                            }
1128                            pos = (64 * index) - 1;
1129                            bs = bits[index];
1130                        }
1131                        if (bs != 0) {
1132                            if (bs == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
1133                                pos = (64 * index) + 63;
1134                                bits[index] = 0;
1135                                return true;
1136                            }
1137                            long b = (bs&-bs);
1138                            int delta = 0;
1139                            while (b >= 256) {
1140                                b = (b >> 8);
1141                                delta += 8;
1142                            }
1143                            int p = bitPositionTable[(int) b];
1144                            if (p >= 0) {
1145                                p += delta;
1146                            } else {
1147                                p = delta;
1148                            }
1149                            if (pos < 0) {
1150                                pos = p;
1151                            } else if (p == 0) {
1152                                pos++;
1153                            } else {
1154                                pos += (p + 1);
1155                            }
1156                            bits[index] = bits[index] >>> (p + 1);
1157                            return true;
1158                        }
1159                        return false;
1160                    }
1161                    public Integer next() {
1162                        return Integer.valueOf(pos);
1163                    }
1164                    public void remove() {
1165                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
1166                    }
1167                };
1168            }
1169            public boolean equals(Object o) {
1170                if (this == o) {
1171                    return true;
1172                }
1173                if (o instanceof BitKey.Small) {
1174                    BitKey.Small other = (BitKey.Small) o;
1175                    if (this.bits[0] != other.bits) {
1176                        return false;
1177                    } else {
1178                        for (int i = 1; i < this.bits.length; i++) {
1179                            if (this.bits[i] != 0) {
1180                                return false;
1181                            }
1182                        }
1183                        return true;
1184                    }
1186                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Mid128) {
1187                    BitKey.Mid128 other = (BitKey.Mid128) o;
1188                    if (this.bits[0] != other.bits0) {
1189                        return false;
1190                    } else if (this.bits[1] != other.bits1) {
1191                        return false;
1192                    } else {
1193                        for (int i = 2; i < this.bits.length; i++) {
1194                            if (this.bits[i] != 0) {
1195                                return false;
1196                            }
1197                        }
1198                        return true;
1199                    }
1201                } else if (o instanceof BitKey.Big) {
1202                    BitKey.Big other = (BitKey.Big) o;
1204                    int len = Math.min(bits.length, other.bits.length);
1205                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1206                        if (this.bits[i] != other.bits[i]) {
1207                            return false;
1208                        }
1209                    }
1210                    if (this.bits.length > other.bits.length) {
1211                        for (int i = len; i < this.bits.length; i++) {
1212                            if (this.bits[i] != 0) {
1213                                return false;
1214                            }
1215                        }
1216                    } else if (other.bits.length > this.bits.length) {
1217                        for (int i = len; i < other.bits.length; i++) {
1218                            if (other.bits[i] != 0) {
1219                                return false;
1220                            }
1221                        }
1222                    }
1223                    return true;
1224                }
1225                return false;
1226            }
1227            public int hashCode() {
1228                long h = 1234;
1229                for (int i = bits.length; --i >= 0;) {
1230                    h ^= bits[i] * (i + 1);
1231                }
1232                return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h);
1233            }
1234            public String toString() {
1235                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64);
1236                buf.append("0x");
1237                int start = bits.length * 64 - 1;
1238                for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
1239                    buf.append((get(i)) ? '1' : '0');
1240                }
1241                return buf.toString();
1242            }
1244            public BitKey copy() {
1245                return new Big(this);
1246            }
1248            public BitKey emptyCopy() {
1249                return new Big(bits.length << ChunkBitCount);
1250            }
1252            public boolean isEmpty() {
1253                for (long bit : bits) {
1254                    if (bit != 0) {
1255                        return false;
1256                    }
1257                }
1258                return true;
1259            }
1261            // implement Comparable (in lazy, expensive fashion)
1262            public int compareTo(BitKey bitKey) {
1263                return toString().compareTo(bitKey.toString());
1264            }
1265        }
1267        final static byte bitPositionTable[] = {
1268           -1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1269            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1270            5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1271            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1272            6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1273            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1274            5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1275            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1276            7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1277            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1278            5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1279            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1280            6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1281            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1282            5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
1283            4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0};
1286    }
1288    // End BitKey.java