001    // This class is generated. Do NOT modify it, or
002    // add it to source control.
004    package mondrian.resource;
005    import java.io.IOException;
006    import java.util.Locale;
007    import org.eigenbase.resgen.*;
009    /**
010     * This class was generated
011     * by class org.eigenbase.resgen.ResourceGen
012     * from /home/jhyde/open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/resource/MondrianResource.xml
013     * on Sat May 17 09:06:54 GMT-08:00 2008.
014     * It contains a list of messages, and methods to
015     * retrieve and format those messages.
016     */
018    public class MondrianResource_en_US extends MondrianResource {
019        public MondrianResource_en_US() throws IOException {
020        }
021    }
023    // End MondrianResource_en_US.java