001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/Evaluator.java#29 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc.
007    // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Julian Hyde and others
008    // All Rights Reserved.
009    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
010    //
011    // jhyde, 27 July, 2001
012    */
014    package mondrian.olap;
016    import mondrian.calc.ParameterSlot;
017    import java.util.List;
018    import java.util.Locale;
019    import java.util.Date;
021    /**
022     * An <code>Evaluator</code> holds the context necessary to evaluate an
023     * expression.
024     *
025     * @author jhyde
026     * @since 27 July, 2001
027     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/Evaluator.java#29 $
028     */
029    public interface Evaluator {
031        /**
032         * Returns the current cube.
033         */
034        Cube getCube();
036        /**
037         * Returns the current query.
038         */
039        Query getQuery();
041        /**
042         * Returns the start time of the current query.
043         */
044        Date getQueryStartTime();
046        /**
047         * Creates a new Evaluator with each given member overriding the context of
048         * the current Evaluator for its dimension. Other dimensions retain the
049         * same context as this Evaluator.
050         *
051         * <p>You can retrieve this Evaluator by calling the new Evaluator's
052         * {@link #pop()} method, but it is not necessary to call <code>pop</code>.
053         *
054         * @param members Array of members to add to the context
055         * @return Evaluator with each given member overriding the state of the
056         *   current Evaluator for its dimension
057         */
058        Evaluator push(Member[] members);
060        /**
061         * Creates a new Evaluator with the same context as this evaluator.
062         * Equivalent to {@link #push(Member[]) push(new Member[0])}.
063         *
064         * <p>This method is typically called before evaluating an expression which
065         * is known to corrupt the evaluation context.
066         *
067         * <p>You can retrieve this Evaluator by calling the new Evaluator's
068         * {@link #pop()} method, but it is not necessary to call <code>pop</code>.
069         *
070         * @return Evaluator with each given member overriding the state of the
071         *   current Evaluator for its dimension
072         */
073        Evaluator push();
075        /**
076         * Creates a new Evaluator with the same context except for one member.
077         * Equivalent to
078         * {@link #push(Member[]) push(new Member[] &#124;member&#125;)}.
079         *
080         * <p>You can retrieve this Evaluator by calling the new Evaluator's
081         * {@link #pop()} method, but it is not necessary to call <code>pop</code>.
082         *
083         * @param member Member to add to the context
084         * @return Evaluator with each given member overriding the state of the
085         *   current Evaluator for its dimension
086         */
087        Evaluator push(Member member);
089        /**
090         * Restores previous evaluator.
091         */
092        Evaluator pop();
094        /**
095         * Makes <code>member</code> the current member of its dimension. Returns
096         * the previous context.
097         *
098         * @pre member != null
099         * @post return != null
100         */
101        Member setContext(Member member);
103        void setContext(List<Member> memberList);
105        void setContext(Member[] members);
107        Member getContext(Dimension dimension);
109        /**
110         * Calculates and returns the value of the cell at the current context.
111         */
112        Object evaluateCurrent();
114        /**
115         * Returns the format string for this cell. This is computed by evaluating
116         * the format expression in the current context, and therefore different
117         * cells may have different format strings.
118         */
119        public String getFormatString();
121        /**
122         * Formats a value as a string according to the current context's
123         * format.
124         */
125        String format(Object o);
127        /**
128         * Formats a value as a string according to the current context's
129         * format, using a given format string.
130         */
131        String format(Object o, String formatString);
133        /**
134         * Returns number of ancestor evaluators. Used to check for infinite
135         * loops.
136         *
137         * @post return getParent() == null ? 0 : getParent().getDepth() + 1
138         */
139        int getDepth();
141        /**
142         * Returns parent evaluator.
143         */
144        Evaluator getParent();
146        /**
147         * Returns the connection's locale.
148         */
149        Locale getConnectionLocale();
151        /**
152         * Retrieves the value of property <code>name</code>. If more than one
153         * member in the current context defines that property, the one with the
154         * highest solve order has precedence.
155         *
156         * <p>If the property is not defined, default value is returned.
157         */
158        Object getProperty(String name, Object defaultValue);
160        /**
161         * Returns a {@link SchemaReader} appropriate for the current
162         * access-control context.
163         */
164        SchemaReader getSchemaReader();
166        /**
167         * Simple caching of the result of an <code>Exp</code>. The
168         * key for the cache consists of all members of the current
169         * context that <code>exp</code> depends on. Members of
170         * independent dimensions are not part of the key.
171         *
172         * @see mondrian.calc.Calc#dependsOn
173         */
174        Object getCachedResult(ExpCacheDescriptor key);
176        /**
177         * Returns true for an axis that is NON EMPTY.
178         *
179         * <p>May be used by expression
180         * evaluators to optimize their result. For example, a top-level crossjoin
181         * may be optimized by removing all non-empty set elements before
182         * performing the crossjoin. This is possible because of the identity
183         *
184         * <blockquote><code>nonempty(crossjoin(a, b)) ==
185         * nonempty(crossjoin(nonempty(a), nonempty(b));</code></blockquote>
186         */
187        boolean isNonEmpty();
189        /**
190         * Sets whether an expression evaluation should filter out empty cells.
191         * Allows expressions to modify non empty flag to evaluate their children.
192         */
193        void setNonEmpty(boolean nonEmpty);
195        /**
196         * Creates an exception which indicates that an error has occurred during
197         * the runtime evaluation of a function. The caller should then throw that
198         * exception.
199         */
200        RuntimeException newEvalException(Object context, String s);
202        /**
203         * Evaluates a named set.
204         */
205        Object evaluateNamedSet(String name, Exp exp);
207        /**
208         * Returns an array of the members which make up the current context.
209         */
210        Member[] getMembers();
212        /**
213         * Returns the number of times that this evaluator has told a lie when
214         * retrieving cell values.
215         */
216        int getMissCount();
218        /**
219         * Returns the value of a parameter, evaluating its default value if it is
220         * not set.
221         */
222        Object getParameterValue(ParameterSlot slot);
224        /**
225         * @return the iteration length of the current context
226         */
227        int getIterationLength();
229        /**
230         * Sets the iteration length for the current evaluator context
231         *
232         * @param length length to be set
233         */
234        void setIterationLength(int length);
236        /**
237         * @return true if evaluating axes
238         */
239        boolean isEvalAxes();
241        /**
242         * Indicate whether the evaluator is evaluating the axes
243         *
244         * @param evalAxes true if evaluating axes
245         */
246        void setEvalAxes(boolean evalAxes);
248        /**
249         * Returns a new Aggregator whose aggregation context adds a given list of
250         * tuples, and whose dimensional context is the same as this
251         * Aggregator.
252         *
253         * @param list List of tuples
254         * @return Aggregator with <code>list</code> added to its aggregation
255         *   context
256         */
257        Evaluator pushAggregation(List<Member[]> list);
259        /**
260         * Checks if unrelated dimensions to the measure in the current context
261         * should be ignored
262         * @return boolean
263         */
264        boolean shouldIgnoreUnrelatedDimensions();
266        /**
267         * Returns the base (non-virtual) cube that the current measure in the
268         * context belongs to.
269         * @return Cube
270         */
271        Cube getMeasureCube();
273        /**
274         * If IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension is set to true and one or more
275         * members are on unrelated dimension for the measure in current context
276         * then returns true.
277         * @param members
278         * dimensions for the members need to be checked whether
279         * related or unrelated
280         * @return boolean
281         */
282        boolean needToReturnNullForUnrelatedDimension(Member[] members);
283    }
285    // End Evaluator.java