001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/Cell.java#14 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc.
007    // Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Julian Hyde and others
008    // All Rights Reserved.
009    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
010    //
011    // jhyde, 6 August, 2001
012    */
014    package mondrian.olap;
016    /**
017     * A <code>Cell</code> is an item in the grid of a {@link Result}.  It is
018     * returned by {@link Result#getCell}.
019     *
020     * @author jhyde
021     * @since 6 August, 2001
022     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/Cell.java#14 $
023     */
024    public interface Cell {
025        /**
026         * Returns the cell's raw value. This is useful for sending to further data
027         * processing, such as plotting a chart.
028         *
029         * <p> The value is never null. It may have various types:<ul>
030         *   <li>if the cell is null, the value is  {@link Util#nullValue};</li>
031         *   <li>if the cell contains an error, the value is an instance of
032         *       {@link Throwable};</li>
033         *   <li>otherwise, the type of this value depends upon the type of
034         *       measure: possible types include {@link java.math.BigDecimal},
035         *       {@link Double}, {@link Integer} and {@link String}.</li>
036         * </ul>
037         *
038         * @post return != null
039         * @post (return instanceof Throwable) == isError()
040         * @post (return instanceof Util.NullCellValue) == isNull()
041         */
042        Object getValue();
045        /**
046         * Return the cached formatted string, that survives an aggregate cache clear
047         */
048        String getCachedFormatString();
050        /**
051         * Returns the cell's value formatted according to the current format
052         * string, and locale-specific settings such as currency symbol. The
053         * current format string may itself be derived via an expression. For more
054         * information about format strings, see {@link mondrian.util.Format}.
055         */
056        String getFormattedValue();
058        /**
059         * Returns whether the cell's value is null.
060         */
061        boolean isNull();
063        /**
064         * Returns whether the cell's calculation returned an error.
065         */
066        boolean isError();
068        /**
069         * Returns a SQL query that, when executed, returns drill through data
070         * for this Cell.
071         * If the parameter extendedContext is true, then the
072         * query will include all the levels (i.e. columns) of non-constraining members
073         * (i.e. members which are at the "All" level).
074         * If the parameter extendedContext is false, the query will exclude
075         * the levels (coulmns) of non-constraining members.
076         * The result is null if the cell is based upon a calculated member.
077         *
078         */
079        String getDrillThroughSQL(boolean extendedContext);
081        /**
082         * Returns true if drill through is possible for this Cell.
083         * Returns false if the Cell is based on a calculated measure.
084         * @return true if can drill through on this cell
085         */
086        boolean canDrillThrough();
088        /**
089         * Returns the number of fact table rows which contributed to this Cell.
090         */
091        int getDrillThroughCount();
093        /**
094         * Returns the value of a property.
095         *
096         * @param propertyName Case-sensitive property name
097         * @return Value of property
098         */
099        Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName);
101        /**
102         * Returns the context member for a particular dimension.
103         *
104         * The member is defined as follows (note that there is always a
105         * member):<ul>
106         *
107         * <li>If the dimension appears on one of the visible axes, the context
108         * member is simply the member on the current row or column.
109         *
110         * <li>If the dimension appears in the slicer, the context member is the
111         * member of that dimension in the slier.
112         *
113         * <li>Otherwise, the context member is the default member of that
114         * dimension (usually the 'all' member).</ul>
115         */
116        Member getContextMember(Dimension dimension);
117    }
119    // End Cell.java