001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/CacheControl.java#6 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Julian Hyde and others.
007    // All Rights Reserved.
008    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
009    */
010    package mondrian.olap;
012    import javax.sql.DataSource;
013    import java.util.*;
014    import java.io.PrintWriter;
016    /**
017     * API for controlling the contents of the cell cache and the member cache.
018     * A {@link CellRegion} denotes a portion of the cell cache, and a
019     * {@link MemberSet} denotes a portion of the member cache. Both caches can be
020     * flushed, and the member cache can be edited.
021     *
022     * <p>To create an instance of this interface, use
023     * {@link mondrian.olap.Connection#getCacheControl}.</p>
024     *
025     * <p>Methods concerning cell cache:<ul>
026     * <li>{@link #createMemberRegion(Member, boolean)}</li>
027     * <li>{@link #createMemberRegion(boolean, Member, boolean, Member, boolean)}</li>
028     * <li>{@link #createUnionRegion(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.CellRegion[])}</li>
029     * <li>{@link #createCrossjoinRegion(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.CellRegion[])}</li>
030     * <li>{@link #createMeasuresRegion(Cube)}</li>
031     * <li>{@link #flush(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.CellRegion)}</li>
032     * </ul></p>
033     *
034     * <p>Methods concerning member cache:<ul>
035     * <li>{@link #createMemberSet(Member, boolean)}</li>
036     * <li>{@link #createMemberSet(boolean, Member, boolean, Member, boolean)}</li>
037     * <li>{@link #createAddCommand(Member)}</li>
038     * <li>{@link #createDeleteCommand(Member)}</li>
039     * <li>{@link #createDeleteCommand(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberSet)}</li>
040     * <li>{@link #createCompoundCommand(java.util.List)}</li>
041     * <li>{@link #createCompoundCommand(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberEditCommand[])}</li>
042     * <li>{@link #createSetPropertyCommand(Member, String, Object)}</li>
043     * <li>{@link #createSetPropertyCommand(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberSet,java.util.Map)}</li>
044     * <li>{@link #flush(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberSet)}</li>
045     * <li>{@link #execute(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberEditCommand)}</li>
046     * </ul></p>
047     *
048     * @author jhyde
049     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/olap/CacheControl.java#6 $
050     * @since Sep 27, 2006
051     */
052    public interface CacheControl {
054        // cell cache control
056        /**
057         * Creates a cell region consisting of a single member.
058         *
059         * @param member the member
060         * @param descendants When true, include descendants of the member in the
061         *   region.
062         * @return the new cell region
063         */
064        CellRegion createMemberRegion(Member member, boolean descendants);
066        /**
067         * Creates a cell region consisting of a range between two members.
068         *
069         * <p>The members must belong to the same level of the same hierarchy.
070         * One of the bounds may be null.
071         *
072         * <p>For example, given
073         *
074         * <code><pre>Member member97Q3; // [Time].[1997].[Q3]
075         * Member member98Q2; // [Time].[1998].[Q2]
076         * </pre></code>
077         *
078         * then
079         *
080         * <table border="1">
081         * <tr>
082         * <th>Expression</th>
083         * <th>Meaning</th>
084         * </tr>
085         *
086         * <tr>
087         * <td>
088         * <code>createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, true, member98Q2, false)</code>
089         * </td>
090         * <td>The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, inclusive:<br/>
091         * [Time].[1997].[Q3],<br/>
092         * [Time].[1997].[Q4],<br/>
093         * [Time].[1998].[Q1],<br/>
094         * [Time].[1998].[Q2]</td>
095         * </tr>
096         *
097         * <tr>
098         * <td>
099         * <code>createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, false, member98Q2, false)</code>
100         * </td>
101         * <td>The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, exclusive:<br/>
102         * [Time].[1997].[Q4],<br/>
103         * [Time].[1998].[Q1]</td>
104         * </tr>
105         *
106         * <tr>
107         * <td>
108         * <code>createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, false, member98Q2, false)</code>
109         * </td>
110         * <td>The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, including their descendants, and
111         * including the lower bound but not the upper bound:<br/>
112         * [Time].[1997].[Q3],<br/>
113         * [Time].[1997].[Q3].[7],<br/>
114         * [Time].[1997].[Q3].[8],<br/>
115         * [Time].[1997].[Q3].[9],<br/>
116         * [Time].[1997].[Q4],<br/>
117         * [Time].[1997].[Q4].[10],<br/>
118         * [Time].[1997].[Q4].[11],<br/>
119         * [Time].[1997].[Q4].[12],<br/>
120         * [Time].[1998].[Q1],<br/>
121         * [Time].[1998].[Q1].[1],<br/>
122         * [Time].[1998].[Q1].[2],<br/>
123         * [Time].[1998].[Q1].[3]</td>
124         * </tr>
125         * </table>
126         *
127         * @param lowerInclusive whether the the range includes the lower bound;
128         *   ignored if the lower bound is not specified
129         * @param lowerMember lower bound member.
130         *   If null, takes all preceding members
131         * @param upperInclusive whether the the range includes the upper bound;
132         *   ignored if the upper bound is not specified
133         * @param upperMember upper bound member.
134         *   If null, takes all preceding members
135         * @param descendants when true, include descendants of the member in the
136         *   region
137         * @return the new cell region
138         */
139        CellRegion createMemberRegion(
140            boolean lowerInclusive,
141            Member lowerMember,
142            boolean upperInclusive,
143            Member upperMember,
144            boolean descendants);
146        /**
147         * Forms the cartesian product of two or more cell regions.
148         * @param regions the operands
149         * @return the cartesian product of the operands
150         */
151        CellRegion createCrossjoinRegion(CellRegion... regions);
153        /**
154         * Forms the union of two or more cell regions.
155         * The regions must have the same dimensionality.
156         *
157         * @param regions the operands
158         * @return the cartesian product of the operands
160         */
161        CellRegion createUnionRegion(CellRegion... regions);
163        /**
164         * Creates a region consisting of all measures in a given cube.
165         * @param cube a cube
166         * @return the region
167         */
168        CellRegion createMeasuresRegion(Cube cube);
170        /**
171         * Atomically flushes all the cells in the cell cache that correspond to
172         * measures in a cube and to a given region.
173         *
174         * @param region a region
175         */
176        void flush(CellRegion region);
178        /**
179         * Prints the state of the cell cache as it pertains to a given region.
180         * @param pw the output target
181         * @param region the CellRegion of interest
182         */
183        void printCacheState(PrintWriter pw, CellRegion region);
185        // member cache control
187        /**
188         * Creates a member set containing either a single member, or a member and
189         * its descendants.
190         * @param member a member
191         * @param descendants when true, include descendants in the set
192         * @return the set
193         */
194        MemberSet createMemberSet(Member member, boolean descendants);
196        /**
197         * Creates a member set consisting of a range between two members.
198         * The members must belong to the same level of the same hierarchy. One of
199         * the bounds may be null. (Similar to {@link #createMemberRegion(boolean,
200         * Member, boolean, Member, boolean)}, which see for examples.)
201         *
202         * @param lowerInclusive whether the the range includes the lower bound;
203         *   ignored if the lower bound is not specified
204         * @param lowerMember lower bound member.
205         *   If null, takes all preceding members
206         * @param upperInclusive whether the the range includes the upper bound;
207         *   ignored if the upper bound is not specified
208         * @param upperMember upper bound member.
209         *   If null, takes all preceding members
210         * @param descendants when true, include descendants of the member in the
211         *   region
212         * @return the set
213         */
214        MemberSet createMemberSet(
215            boolean lowerInclusive,
216            Member lowerMember,
217            boolean upperInclusive,
218            Member upperMember,
219            boolean descendants);
221        /**
222         * Forms the union of two or more member sets.
223         *
224         * @param sets the operands
225         * @return the union of the operands
226         */
227        MemberSet createUnionSet(MemberSet... sets);
229        /**
230         * Filters a member set, keeping all members at a given Level.
231         *
232         * @param level Level
233         * @param baseSet Member set
234         * @return Member set with members not at the given level removed
235         */
236        MemberSet filter(Level level, MemberSet baseSet);
238        /**
239         * Atomically flushes all members in the member cache which belong to a
240         * given set.
241         *
242         * @param set a set of members
243         */
244        void flush(MemberSet set);
246        /**
247         * Prints the state of the member cache as it pertains to a given member
248         * set.
249         * @param pw the output target
250         * @param set the MemberSet of interest
251         */
252        void printCacheState(PrintWriter pw, MemberSet set);
255        // edit member cache contents
257        /**
258         * Executes a command that edits the member cache.
259         * @param cmd the command
260         */
261        void execute(MemberEditCommand cmd);
263        /**
264         * Builds a compound command which is executed atomically.
265         *
266         * @param cmds a list of the component commands
267         * @return the compound command
268         */
269        MemberEditCommand createCompoundCommand(List<MemberEditCommand> cmds);
271        /**
272         * Builds a compound command which is executed atomically.
273         * @param cmds the component commands
274         * @return the compound command
275         */
276        MemberEditCommand createCompoundCommand(MemberEditCommand... cmds);
278        // commands to change the structure of the member cache
280        /**
281         * Creates a command to delete a member and its descendants from the member
282         * cache.
283         *
284         * @param member the member
285         * @return the command
286         */
287        MemberEditCommand createDeleteCommand(Member member);
289        /**
290         * Creates a command to delete a set of members from the member cache.
291         *
292         * @param memberSet the set
293         * @return the command
294         */
295        MemberEditCommand createDeleteCommand(MemberSet memberSet);
297        /**
298         * Creates a command to add a member to the cache. The added member and its
299         * parent must have the same Dimension and the correct Levels, Null parent
300         * means add to the top level of its Dimension.
301         *
302         * <p>The ordinal position of the new member among its siblings is implied
303         * by its properties.</p>
304         *
305         * @param member the new member
306         * @return the command
307         *
308         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if member null
309         * or if member belongs to a parent-child hierarchy
310         */
311        MemberEditCommand createAddCommand(
312            Member member) throws IllegalArgumentException;
314        /**
315         * Creates a command to Move a member (with its descendants) to a new
316         * location, that is to a new parent.
317         * @param member the member moved
318         * @param loc    the new parent
319         * @return the command
320         *
321         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if member is null,
322         * or loc is null,
323         * or member belongs to a parent-child hierarchy,
324         * or if loc is incompatible with member
325         */
326        MemberEditCommand createMoveCommand(
327            Member member,
328            Member loc) throws IllegalArgumentException;
330        // commands to change member properties
332        /**
333         * Creates a command to change one property of a member.
334         *
335         * @param member the member
336         * @param name the property name
337         * @param value the property value
338         * @return the command
339         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property is invalid for the
340         *  member
341         */
342        MemberEditCommand createSetPropertyCommand(
343            Member member,
344            String name,
345            Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException;
347        /**
348         * Creates a command to several properties changes over a set of
349         * members. All members must belong to the same Level.
350         *
351         * @param set the set of members
352         * @param propertyValues Collection of property-value pairs
353         * @return the command
354         * @throws IllegalArgumentException for an invalid property, or if all
355         * members in the set do not belong to the same Level.
356         */
357        MemberEditCommand createSetPropertyCommand(
358            MemberSet set,
359            Map<String,Object> propertyValues)
360            throws IllegalArgumentException;
362        // other
364        /**
365         * Prints a debug message.
366         *
367         * @param message the message
368         */
369        void trace(String message);
371        /**
372         * Flushes the cache which maps schema URLs to metadata.
373         *
374         * <p>This cache is referenced only when creating a new connection, so
375         * existing connections will continue to use the same schema definition.
376         */
377        void flushSchemaCache();
379        // todo: document
380        void flushSchema(
381            final String catalogUrl,
382            final String connectionKey,
383            final String jdbcUser,
384            String dataSourceStr);
386        // todo: document
387        void flushSchema(
388            String catalogUrl,
389            DataSource dataSource);
391        /**
392         * Flushes the given Schema instance from the pool
393         *
394         * @param schema Schema
395         */
396        void flushSchema(Schema schema);
399        /** a region of cells in the cell cache */
400        public interface CellRegion {
401            /**
402             * Returns the dimensionality of a region.
403             * @return a list of {@link mondrian.olap.Dimension} objects.
404             */
405            List<Dimension> getDimensionality();
406        }
408        /**
409         * A specification of a set of members in the member cache.
410         *
411         * <p>Member sets can be created using methods
412         * {@link CacheControl#createMemberSet(Member, boolean)},
413         * {@link CacheControl#createMemberSet(boolean, Member, boolean, Member, boolean)},
414         * {@link CacheControl#createUnionSet(mondrian.olap.CacheControl.MemberSet[])}.
415         */
416        public interface MemberSet {
417        }
419        /**
420         * An operation to be applied to the member cache. The operation does not
421         * take effect until {@link CacheControl#execute} is called.
422         */
423        public interface MemberEditCommand {
424        }
426    }
428    // End CacheControl.java