001    /*
002    // $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/calc/impl/AbstractIterCalc.java#5 $
003    // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License
004    // Agreement, available at the following URL:
005    // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html.
006    // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Julian Hyde
007    // All Rights Reserved.
008    // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
009    */
010    package mondrian.calc.impl;
012    import mondrian.calc.Calc;
013    import mondrian.calc.IterCalc;
014    import mondrian.calc.ResultStyle;
015    import mondrian.olap.Evaluator;
016    import mondrian.olap.Exp;
017    import mondrian.olap.Member;
018    import mondrian.olap.type.SetType;
020    /**
021     * Abstract implementation of the {@link mondrian.calc.IterCalc} interface.
022     *
023     * <p>The derived class must
024     * implement the {@link #evaluateIterable(mondrian.olap.Evaluator)} method,
025     * and the {@link #evaluate(mondrian.olap.Evaluator)} method will call it.
026     *
027     * @author <a>Richard M. Emberson</a>
028     * @version $Id: //open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/calc/impl/AbstractIterCalc.java#5 $
029     * @since Jan 14, 2007
030     */
032    public abstract class AbstractIterCalc
033            extends AbstractCalc
034            implements IterCalc {
035        private final Calc[] calcs;
037        /**
038         * Creates an abstract implementation of a compiled expression which returns
039         * an Iterable.
040         *
041         * @param exp Expression which was compiled
042         * @param calcs List of child compiled expressions (for dependency
043         *   analysis)
044         */
045        protected AbstractIterCalc(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) {
046            super(exp);
047            this.calcs = calcs;
048            assert getType() instanceof SetType : "expecting a set: " + getType();
049        }
051        public Object evaluate(Evaluator evaluator) {
052            final Iterable iter = evaluateIterable(evaluator);
053            return iter;
054        }
056        public Calc[] getCalcs() {
057            return calcs;
058        }
060        public ResultStyle getResultStyle() {
061            return ResultStyle.ITERABLE;
062        }
064        @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
065        public Iterable<Member> evaluateMemberIterable(Evaluator evaluator) {
066            return (Iterable<Member>) evaluateIterable(evaluator);
067        }
069        @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
070        public Iterable<Member[]> evaluateTupleIterable(Evaluator evaluator) {
071            return (Iterable<Member[]>) evaluateIterable(evaluator);
072        }
074    }
076    // End AbstractIterCalc.java